
Wollongong, Australia

Jan 10 at 03:01 AM

No it can't be stopped but who wants to be under communist rule. Not me!

Jan 10 at 02:57 AM

North Korean leader announced that for 2024 he will concentrate on building more nukes and testing rockets, he already knows he can reach the U.S.

THEY ARE GETTING THEIR DUCKS IN A ROW. since I wrote this initial msg about the movie- leave the world behind, Jason has now mentioned it and it took him by surprise so yes the TLS knows a lot, and he warns us not to panic, meanwhile all the rich and dirty are building massive underground bunkers, ie Mark Zuckerberg and others...what does that tell you.

That's all I'm writing at the moment I'm sick and need sleep.

Jan 10 at 02:51 AM

Jason Foust ok so there's other shows that tell us what they want to do or are doing another example is a show on the ABC or BBC called the Capture it's about spy cameras and their capabilities. I've just read recently how in The UK and in Australia they have realised the amount of spying going on, Australia is removing 8-900 cameras made in China from our military bases and the UK is doing the same. It's not the same as the Smart Cities they're trying to create. The Governments have also been arresting many Chinese spies who infiltrated our universities. We are also tightening our borders as to who we will let in. This was only announced in past fortnight.

China and their allies Inc Russia, India, North Korea, middle east countries etc google their allies and many more countries 1st they plan to take the U.S out, leaving the rest of the U.S allies vulnerable we won't be able to help, we aren't strong enough in our countries. Australia will have to chose between U.S and China.


Jan 10 at 02:39 AM

It doesn't have to do with money, it has to power and control. China has been working towards this for decades, they've bought up most of Australia

Dec 29 at 10:52 AM

Honestly it's Urgent! I have a lot of other info, real life info too!

Dec 08 at 10:10 AM

He makes a lot of sense, for my fibromyalgia symptoms, I've only just started the videos and he definitely understands it well, so I wanted to thank you for giving me his link, I can't wait to get through all the videos. I don't just have FM but it would great to get it under control, especially as I'm having a severe flare at the moment. I have been under a lot of stress and I have just been in hospital for a week as I've been having Dystonic Seizures and I still am having them despite being discharged. But again I'd love to get through my FM flare and if he has a way of treating it, it'd be awesome! And it would be 1 less health issue. Thanks again 🩷🙏


Dec 08 at 08:07 AM

Judy Frost thanks 🩷

Dec 08 at 08:06 AM

Are they doing/ his in Australia or are u in the U.S. May I ask your diagnosis? Also congratulations on your improvement of health 👏 🥰🩷

Dec 05 at 08:00 AM

You can get further than I can, I can't see myself, as in who I am it's frustrating. I know some bits but it is usually from what other ppl tell me. Also when I look in an actual mirror I feel like I'm looking at a stranger and I can't ever remember what I actually look like properly. I'm not sure why, I quite possibly am on the A.S as I also struggle looking ppl in the eye, just 1 of the symptoms I have, I haven't officially been diagnosed, but it has been questioned or suspected by others, including professionals, I wonder if that could maybe be why I can't figure out or truly see myself and my life? Idk just an idea or possible reason 🤔


Dec 05 at 07:43 AM

I tried the nicotine patches but they have not helped get rid of my ongoing problems/symptoms, since having the vaccines. I've never had covid but lots of problems since having the vaccines.