
Sep 11 at 03:49 PM

Hi Karlin I believe the best and easiest why to live more naturally is to do the best you can when possible. When buying clothes choose garments with highest percentage of natural fibers possible. When choosing food/seeds look for organic options 1st then next choose non genetically modified options. The fewer ingredients a food has the better. In my opinion you already done the most important thing. You've started your homestead. Set your intention and know the answer is yes, always.☺


Sep 10 at 05:47 PM

I enjoyed this interview very much. Dr. Rose is very upbeat. She lifted my vibes. I recently watched a video in which Dr. McCullough was speaking about a spike protein detoxification protocol. I believe that shedding is a real thing and this protocol is going to help a lot of people.

Sep 10 at 01:02 AM


Sep 09 at 07:55 PM

What about the state of the countenance of these possessed people? Isn't that a reliable indicator of demonic possession?

Sep 09 at 07:45 PM

😯🌄 A new day is dawning! Fantastic! Thank you Jason and Ray. Bring on part two. Oh, and yes, please interview Dr. Michael. I would love to hear details about her past lives. Her mission is to heal the planet. I believe she's got the mojo to do it with a little help from her friends.😉

What's really going on Tammy?


Aug 27 at 11:37 PM

The best lawyer for the job is currently running for president. Perhaps, there is someone else strong in civil law that will pick up the gauntlet.


Aug 27 at 11:24 PM

What? You DON'T need a medical background ( LICENCE?)to be a coroner? What?! Is all we think to be true just assumptions? WTF!

Aug 27 at 11:12 PM

Yes, I agree.


Aug 27 at 11:01 PM

Subliminal messages? Was this hurricane real or was it manufactured? It strikes me as strange this storm is a saving factor being associated with name it was given. Was this name truely next in line?