Lisa Tondo

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Jan 25 at 12:25 AM

Cheryl Dotson poor references over here but Many years ago a friend had mentioned something about missing or tampered with DNA. Possibly intertwining with Adam + Eve or others bloodlines from there?? As you can see I don’t recall many details ….


Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Jan 25 at 12:22 AM

Jason + team, hi!

Any chance there is aTLS update you can share? I think the last one I caught was when you reported bring pretty sure we wouldn’t see a WW3?? Has that changed, or is it best not to speak about it yet?


Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Jan 25 at 12:17 AM

Sarah what kind of tests?

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Jan 25 at 12:17 AM

Lisa Gray yes and some times it’s not do easy to hear when there’s a lot to be fearful of and anxieties about even though they are stuffed deep down don’t help either!

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Jan 25 at 12:08 AM

Michelle Perry thank you for sharing this story. I needed to hear about an awake parent after working for decades with special needs children it’s chronically heartbreaking that parents just listen to their drs and health professionals giving them the opposite directions they should be following for themselves and their children especially. Just today I had a dad come pick up his child early from school who was repeatedly vomiting and his pediatrician doctor dad said oh I’ll just give him some zofran when we get home. Not sure if you’re aware it’s an anti-emetic which works to stop nausea and vomiting. It had only been 2 hours of a few vomits…his stomach was pretty empty by then but why they don’t do the obvious more natural thing which to let your body expel whatever poison as it’s trying to! Sorry for the rant but I really appreciate hearing of such a mom + child trusting nature!


Jan 01 at 09:23 PM

Michelle Reyes hey Michelle. Did you ever receive my forwarded info from the person who’s link you sent me (thought it was yours so I contacted you erroneously, but the person responded and said they knew you and would forward my contact info)


Dec 21 at 11:36 PM

Michelle Reyes I think so lol? I lost my log in info that I need to try and locate.


Dec 21 at 11:14 PM

Michelle Reyes hi Michelle I thought that was your own link you shared so I messaged you there only to find out that it was not but for some reason they seemed to think that they may have known you and possibly forwarded my message? Let me know if you don’t receive, or feel free to make contact on IG @olivestea


Dec 20 at 09:42 AM

Michelle Reyes nature :)


Dec 18 at 11:31 PM

Michelle Reyes free therapy all about it
