Pamela Ford-Stevens

Mar 03 at 02:08 AM

This is really beautiful. Thank you for sharing

Dec 15 at 10:21 PM

North Hollywood deep in the heart of the the great San Fernando Valley Los Angeles😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Commented on My Happy Place indoors

Oct 12 at 11:10 PM

So cool!


Commented on Pyramid part 2

Oct 12 at 11:06 PM

We’re all asking these same questions Cathy. You’re in good company ! I just try to ask for guidance daily and not give up my principles! Just walking in the light with your higher vibration will effect everyone around you. If you get any new insights please share them with us!.

Commented on The Past

Oct 12 at 10:39 PM


Replied on Oct 4

Oct 04 at 01:56 AM

Turn off all your devices tomorrow 11am PST and 2pm EST. Supposedly it’s for 30 minutes

Commented on Oct 4

Oct 03 at 09:44 PM

Sorry so giant- did not intend that😂


Oct 03 at 09:43 PM

For anyone questioning whether or not the FEMA test was happening, I just got this text from my kid’s school


When I was in college 30 years ago I read a series of books by Robert A Monroe ( founder of the Monroe Institute). His books detail his whole life of astral projection (OBE). After reading the three books I had some lucid dreams followed by a few astral projections. I remember I got to a point that if I napped in the afternoon I was more apt to have an OBE. I just purchased his books again to reread them. They are really incredible