Miriam Silver

Spring Hill, FL, United States

Feb 20 at 11:12 AM

Very engrossing interviews. Little bit of a mixup with the red pill vs. blue pill at the end. The red pill is the one that brings deeper awareness, not the blue pill. 


Jan 24 at 07:53 AM

I'm in Florida. Used to live in New York.


Nov 02 at 01:17 PM

The Bible was written by Man and therefore is not concretized. I recognize that we are all expanding and shifting because of the events occurring. However, I don't agree that this has to come to pass just because people are devoted to a book that has been rewritten by many from the past and removing concepts that would have expanded consciousness.

Oct 15 at 08:28 AM

I just watched the video. It touches upon all the aspects   my friend and I have been envisioning. We've got the intention but now we need to know how to build it so that everyone involved has an affordable place to live and the support and cooperation is part of the everyday experience while building the outer structure of it all.


Oct 15 at 08:20 AM

thank you. I'll take a look at it.


Oct 14 at 01:53 PM

I'm looking to connect with individuals who would know what is needed to develop an Ecovillage type of community. This is something that would be located in Florida (probably Pinellas County or Hillsborough). I'm working with someone who has started a nonprofit for developing and allocating property to create a community that not only offers affordable housing but a means to plant and grow vegetables, and an educational system that would also help the surrounding communities to learn practical skills that will be useful when we cross over the threshold into that new earth reality. Please reach out to me at miminyc17@yahoo.com. Any info, resources or connections would be greatly appreciated. And if anyone would also like to be interviewed on my podcast - RevUP & Awaken - and lend their knowledge on this very topic (or related topics),  contact me as well: miminyc17@yahoo.com.


Oct 02 at 05:00 PM

That's what I've been saying!



Oct 02 at 04:59 PM

Just watched The Antidote. Blown away by the fount of information Jason's guest revealed. I always knew that this was a big coverup but it goes beyond that. It was definitely a global agenda that borders on mass genocide. He gives some great info as to what people can take to counteract the symptoms that "they" unleashed into our water and through the vaccines. From the big picture I get from this is that whether we took a vaccine or just by being out there in the world, we all have to protect ourselves and as they've been saying for some time, we all need to make sure our immunity is boosted.  I'm glad I've been coming upon some really good products lately that companies are coming out with to help us all through this.



Sep 29 at 08:20 AM

The title to this post says it all. When I first saw this newest in a series of vaccines for COVID commercials, I was struck with this sense that all we were seeing was a CGI of Martha Stewarts' branded figure. This is an 81 year old woman who, if you look at previous pictures of her and compare it with this commercial, you realize that this is not Martha Stewart. And wherever you go online, there are makeshift video hosts who have suddenly come out of the woodwork recently who are making a fuss over how great she looks for her age and how menacing she looks as she lops off the head of a pineapple. There are recent pictures of her where her neck shows a lot of aging along with the usual lines in the face, but the figure in the commercial has none of that. I just can't get over how anyone would not be able to see through the facade that these corporations parade before the populace. They expect everybody will believe and not use their critical thinking to question what they're seeing. It gets to be rather insulting after a while. Link to commercial below.                                                  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBaaljrvfTQ


Sep 29 at 08:04 AM

I was always suspicious of the food from these chains and why so many people flocked to these restaurants, loading their kids on the stuff. A meal is just as easy to make at home in your own kitchens. Though we still can't be sure what we're getting in the meat section in the supermarkets. 
