Michelle Cardenas

Jacksonville, FL, United States

Mar 24 at 08:40 PM

I agree. I'm totally bored w this. We are beyond this TALK in my opinion. Let's DO .

Commented on TRANCE

Jan 22 at 10:43 PM

Omg. Jason GREAT IDEA GETN ARDIS TO HELP EXPLAIN THE EES SYSTEMS. He does know how to explain in such a layman's terms of understanding .

Jan 15 at 11:36 AM

I hope so


Jan 15 at 11:32 AM

I agree, but I think we have more questions then they will. They've been watchn us along time IMO


Jan 15 at 11:30 AM

It could be both. It pisses me off the govt hiding shit from us though. If it was the aliens they won't willingly ajow us cuz they seen how much fear it caused, but the govt on the other hand will def be ready to do the fake invasion w so much fear. Ppl will be running rt into the camps. NOT ME.

Jan 15 at 11:27 AM

I think it was proj blue beam regardless of what Jason thinks bc they kno we already kno that they plan on doing a fake alien invasion. So I believe they are covering it up in order to try to use reverse psychology on us to think it wasn't them since we know it's their card so why wouldn't they use it. They wouldnt hide it. I think it was probably a test run to see how ppl would react and YOU KNOW WHAT they got the reaction they wanted FEAR. I Wouldn't be scared. I would welcome them and video it to show the world. Of course if they let me. I often look up in the sky at night asking them to please reveal themselves to me. That I am ready. The fact the govt has got everyone keeping their mouth shut about Miami shows that there is still a lot of fear in ppl hearts of govt too. It def wasn't kids fighting bc there would be videos. The fact they aren't showing us ANYTHING is sus. Its time we start protesting them hiding shit and lying to us and DEMAND the TRUTH We have a right to know.

Commented on Divine Intervention

Jan 04 at 06:46 AM

What a brave beautiful soul you have Cathy. God bless you always 💖


Nov 30 at 03:57 PM

Detox- watch antidote on this channel. Soak in bath w/apple cider vinegar and borax .to help detox graphene oxide. God bless you sweetie 😘

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Nov 30 at 12:41 AM

I agree with you too!


Nov 29 at 10:55 PM

U live in FL?