Durham, NC, United States

Visionary Futurist dedicated to The GREAT AWAKENING of humankind.


it is my understanding that the items you have expressed interest in are available at the Energy Enhancement System website. 

i am trusting you can navigate to their site.

my best wishes to you !

Dec 06 at 08:44 PM

Michelle Ricaille

Michelle, i appreciate your sharing these details with us in this forum.

homeopathy, as a viable science, has been intentional suppress for all of the reasons i suspect you are familiar with.

my deceased homeopathic advisor friend did what he could to alert customers of the dangers in acquiring inferior and fake remedies. the sources you referenced have maintained very high standards.


Dec 03 at 11:57 PM


Ahki, Marina Jacobi has been presenting for some years now via youtube. i prefer to not attempt contextualizing my reference to her. it is a certainty that her material is beyond the grasp of many. rest assured of this. if you can identify with what she is presenting, you are 'ready' for what she is sharing. every one of us are truly in 'RIGHT PLACE' psycho-spiritually. there is no need to 'attempt' to grasp anything. each of us are 'ready' for what we are 'ready' for. ALL IS IN DIVINE ORDER AND DIVINE TIMING.

LOVE and be grateful.


Dec 01 at 06:31 PM

good day, and it is a JOY to be 'witness' to these conversations. yesterday, i sat and absorbed what Marina Jacobi shared via this video:     THE SPHERE OF LIFE / H2O. there are some pretty deep insights shared there.


Nov 28 at 09:54 PM

WE ARE HERE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Nov 28 at 09:52 PM

i once had a DEAR, DEAR FRIEND that was a highly skilled and well informed homeopathic advisor. he passed five years ago and left a GIGANTIC gap in my life and others' lives. homeopathy is a sophisticated science. however, there has been an all out war against this science and the product integrity of some suppliers has been compromised.

Nov 24 at 11:34 PM

YES !💫

Nov 24 at 12:47 PM

NOW... if WE could only get to EMBRACING OUR SHADOW as advised by some who have 'gone before us' we can HEAL 'THE GAP/THE GREAT DIVIDE' and create a wholesome psychological and  spiritual environment for humanity to dwell.

Nov 24 at 12:03 PM

Caleb, this is HOW i have lived for 70 years now.

a MOST LOVELY journey... surrendered to THE WINDS OF CHANGE, i fly.

Nov 23 at 01:24 PM


yes... each of us are given latitude in  life. we learn to unlearn self defeating concepts replacing them with self liberating concepts.

it can LOOK like a lonely walk. what this UNIFYD TV forum provides is a way for individuals to support one another in our journey into the higher frequencies of consciousness. 

what a GIFT this is !

we give thanks ! ! !
