Durham, NC, United States

Visionary Futurist dedicated to The GREAT AWAKENING of humankind.

Nov 23 at 01:12 PM


Nov 23 at 01:11 PM

verily, Verily, VERILY, yea YEA !

Nov 21 at 01:51 PM

the 'information' shared here is NOT MEDICAL ADVICE.

it is information about what others are doing to detoxify their bodies so that their bodies are given an opportunity to return to a state of normalcy.


Nov 21 at 01:45 PM

since you are not able to get to an EES please consider doing Dr. Sandra's recommendation of a body soak. the recommendation is 2 cups seasalt, 2 cups baking soda, and 1 cup borax in a tub of water. if you can order some of her supercharged salts add 2 tbsp to the mix for additional benefits.

***people using this detox soak are reporting GREAT BENEFITS to their conditions.

Nov 21 at 01:13 PM


i have one GIFT to offer here.

'the 7 statements' were composed to assist others with every imaginable unhealthy condition. the following diagram (7 Chakras) is a work of art i created for someone. years later, i realized the 7 statements fit PERFECTLY over the 7 vortexes in the drawing; beginning with the 1st statement at the bottom going to the 7th statement at the top. the seven statements can be SPOKEN or THOUGHT to any physical, mental, emotional, social, global condition.


EVERY THOUGHT WE HAVE,  EVERY FEELING WE HAVE, is an act of creation... communicating to, and through water.

communicating the 7 statements to one's water is a MOST POWERFUL ACT OF CREATION. 

when one does so, results happen.

i invite you to 'go there'

Nov 21 at 12:50 PM

this technique has been PROVEN to work. the hypnotized ones will be offended with the idea.

oh well. not everybody can access the 'on ramp'.

and so it is.


Nov 20 at 06:24 PM

TRUTH ain't necessarily PRETTY !

Nov 20 at 10:11 AM

2Caleb444Reeves2 Caleb, when we step into the deeper waters of consciousness, we get to SEE the interconnectedness of all things. Duality consciousness dissolves back into the NOTHINGNESS from whence it came. We then SEE each of us as 1st Cause, and the mystery of being becomes a thing of the past.

Our lives are always pointing us in the direction of KNOWING.

for this we give thanks !


ALL THAT WE SUFFER is a result of a decrease in frequency.

The EES experience is equivalent to a 'battery reCHARGE'.

when we 'bathe in the lights' of an EES, we are restoring ourselves to a HIGH VIBRATION where the lower vibrations of illness, disEASE, and addictions dissolve back into the NOTHINGNESS from whence they came.


Commented on I Wish You All Peace

Nov 20 at 12:42 AM


one's inner peace belongs to everyone. this 'state of BEing' is contagious. go there. the world will follow you.

*Vandorn AnkHuShabda Aumnibi
