Lauren Piper

Mar 26 at 10:30 AM

Thank you for sharing this. More awareness needs to be bought upon these people losing everything and if we don’t talk about it they all died for nothing.

Mar 26 at 10:28 AM

L.Michele fuck all the pharmaceutical industry! Love your energy, you sound like me 🤣

Mar 26 at 10:26 AM

I smoked a lot of weed. Made all the negative emotions so much worse. I quit 4 days ago and did a fast. That also changed my life! Gets it out your system a lot quicker. Proud of all of us for being open and honest. I hope you all have a beautiful life and everything you hope for ❤️

Mar 26 at 10:23 AM

That’s a really beautiful story thank you for sharing. Makes me feel sad knowing you suffered but also proud of you for becoming the person you deserve to be ❤️

Mar 13 at 01:17 PM

there is no better hero for me. This man has inspired me in my maths home education journey and I actually enjoy it again.


Feb 17 at 02:23 PM

I’ve dealt with them unfortunately and they are the most corrupt organisation and they cause so many families mental health problems. I am going to post my story and try and get awareness out there but it’s scary 😩


Feb 01 at 02:57 PM

Yes, if you see 333 followed by 666 you’ve made an error and are falling into too much material world. 999 means you made the right choices and are on your path. Drunvalo Melchizedek teaches this. Only person who’s ever got it right for me personally.

Jan 25 at 12:45 PM

If the identities of the real candidates were revealed children would stop being saved and the whole organisation would be exposed. It’s not in the interest of the bankers to stop poverty

Jan 05 at 05:12 AM

Am I the only person that’s felt a positive shift in energy in the world? I too have been seeing flares and lots of unexplained phenomena in the sky, have you seen the rainbow clouds? And eye shaped energy above 😳

Jan 05 at 04:59 AM

UK Hampshire