Lauren Piper

Dec 30 at 04:01 PM

Where do I get these devices


Dec 22 at 12:49 PM

Travis, I understand your anger I too feel this way but having a go at others for asking that question isn’t going to bring us together as a collective. I too have wondered the same thing these two perspectives seem to be conflicting to one another. We are told both “the soul chooses the experiences” but we also have the part of the soul that wants to stop all wrong doing in society. It’s not just children we need to help. Those same individuals will carry on after we save the children. It’s the collective consciousness that needs to change


Replied on Third Eye Spies

Dec 18 at 02:42 PM

What about Moses vision? Was he unclean? Or did he save his people? Religion limits belief


Dec 18 at 01:32 PM

No I don’t think she’s trash. She’s great just a normal person with a lot of love. Picking out faults won’t unity us

Nov 28 at 03:47 PM

Absolutely amazing bunch of people. So thankful to be part of this community ❤️


Nov 27 at 05:59 PM

What part do we all have to play in order to reach the level of collective consciousness for divine intervention? How do we get there and what must we all do in order to help the others raise their consciousness

Nov 27 at 05:11 PM

Comments like this create division. She’s entitled to her option without your judgment

Nov 27 at 05:09 PM

I like this perspective on the matter, that’s the closest thing I’ve heard yet that resonates with me. No point speculating we won’t really know the truth until the collective is ready to shift

Nov 27 at 05:06 PM

“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.” They want to take away everyone’s right to own property etc by 2030.

Nov 25 at 03:59 AM

The sad thing is serena asking about more divine intervention… no one can save humanity but ourselves. We are all the problem until we rise up and stand United