Joshua Paul Frisk

Surrey, Canada

hi. I'm Josh, I am here to learn what I can and to begin to implement these methods in my life.

Feb 20 at 07:26 AM

Very nice. I too ama poet. If you'd like to hear sone of mine I implore you, ask away... 😀


Feb 20 at 07:23 AM

Is it possible that the millions and millions of children that go missing each year are being kept in these underground cities to repopulate the earth after the 2030 and 2050 resets? Remember Tarvaris and how in the late 1800's and early 1900's they say millions of children appeared out of nowhere with no parents? That there were auctions for kids? Well I just woke up with a disturbing thought. That this has all Happened before and is going to happen again real soon and the reason it happens every 138 years is because our lifespan is only 120 max. These children are brainwashed and reeducated and prepared for the world they will enter once the adult population has been utterly decimated snd that each child us given an.identity and back ground story and family history to cover the gaps in memory. Is this fuckimg world so fucked up that this is what we do yo each other? If so, how many times has it happened and how the fuck can we stop it? If there is any stopping it and all these freedom movements and rallys are meant to.keep us occupied and off track until the reset happens so that we don't go nuts and create chaos? Or outright kill every elylite on.tye planet. I think that is what needs to occur in order to survive. We need to kill each and every one of them and those who are of allegnace to them in order to avoid this terrible fate that awaits us. I hope to God that I am.npt correct. I've been.layingWake putting it Nall together head. What else would they need 100's of.millions for? Surely not all for experiments andnsexual abuse? What if we are all clones or the children of generations and civilizations, like Tartaria, that have been lost to the annals of time and wiped.from.the memory's ofnthose who were meant to repopulate? When the roving bands of cannibals and disease have finished the.last of the survivors off who escaped the initial culling, are dead, then it would be time to bring the children already equipped and trained to there new families to start lives they never lived and have kids that will never know. Their own legacy amdmtrue history. Thisnwoukd be the greatest travesty in the history of history, God only knows how many came before us... fuck this shit goosebumps...fucking scary shit intell you. What does everyone think about all of this? Itbwoukd make sense why I was.being gangstalked. Because I know far too much of what is goingbto transpire and that they have been keeping tabs and millions of others since birth? Fml I fell.downa deep deep.rabbit hole. Sonafe unexplored as far as I can tell. It would make.sense with all the ruins we can't explain. And the missing kids and.all the other fucked up.bullait including the underground cities.and. tunnel systems worldwide.coukd we be the last of a generation that woke up to this utter evil amdmare now the only hope of having a mankind.woth any real legacy to speak.of?... I fucking hope not. 😞 sad panda me is today with this latest revelation of my mind...

I end up doing this multiple times a day without even realizing it.


Feb 15 at 03:54 PM


Feb 15 at 03:54 PM


Feb 14 at 08:38 PM

Trust me it's Nota junction box I'm providing a pic of the general area the inner circle is accurate to its approx size. And only in the one spot. I checked the entire mirror with multiple magnomiters amfmstill the same readings 200 to 212 ųt. Which is the average for a small appliance like a microwave or blender or my vape. Which gives outa similar reading. The mirror ad you can see from my pics is relatively new. And I can't for the life of me get it off the wall.


Feb 14 at 07:26 PM

This is a magnometer reading of a one Inch by one inch seciltion of my bathroom mirror if you a reading that high that registers as a small appliance should not be Ina one inch by o.e inch section of mirror and nowhere else. I've ruled out wiring because of the localized nature of the anomaly. If anyone has any.ideas let me know. I can't get the mirror off the wall without breaking it. kinda fucked. I'm very nervous if anyone has any idea on how to disable it please I'm all ears . Or to.proove it's a camera or mic I'm listening.


Feb 14 at 07:11 PM

It's a reliable emf app too

Feb 14 at 07:11 PM

It says an emf reading like that is something a small appliance would give off but it's behind s mirror on a wall to the outside with a super strong emf reading in one particular spot I'll do a screen recording while I'm doing it to show you

Feb 14 at 07:10 PM
