Joshua Paul Frisk

Surrey, Canada

hi. I'm Josh, I am here to learn what I can and to begin to implement these methods in my life.

Feb 07 at 02:11 PM

I have done bad things life mostly out of necessity. I strive to be more than what I sm I strive for higher achievements in becoming more spiritual and exploring tat side of me I'm worried these b0eing0s have seen 0whT I have Done and have written me off. I don't want that to be the case as there is much love heart I've been put in positions where I've had to do things I know are wrong in order to survive. I just need guidance and wish something like this would occur to me instead I'm hunted and tortured in my dreams. What x0an I do?

Feb 07 at 02:05 PM

I would really like your take on it. I'm not mentally ill and I do use drugs but I've used them for tears with no ill effect its only just recently that sll this started to occur like within the last month so I l0ais off the drugs and that didn't make ahit any better. I'm seriously thinking I'm being electronically harassed and gang stalked. Anyone e with any experience in this put there? Please get in contact with me

Feb 07 at 02:03 PM

When things are routine of whack my gf is always super tired as am I like total energy drain. Sometimes it hard to concentrate and the frequency spunds are getting worse. Along with head zaps when I'm.notin the attic. I hearwhat dounds like people t0alking downstairs but when I asked then if they were down there I get firm no we worked all day. I have a criminal history not proud but I'm thinking the cops are hard fuckingwith me. I know the have voice to skull tech and all dorts of other shot I'm not even aware of so maybe you could shed s little light on this phenomenon for me.

Feb 07 at 02:01 PM

Ok can you give me the signigance of this? I found out recently my house is wired for sound. Like I don't know what is going on but I'm hearing high pitched sounds like frequencies and having flashes of light come Cross my vision. I went into my attic and I got what I call the head zaps it's likean electrical storm going off in your brain. Only we I went up there. I found wifi cable coaxial cables and telephone line bundled together and wiring the entire circumference of mymhpuse wall to wall likea big effin loop. Bit it goes nowhere just cuts off and feeds back into itself. I'm just foukdout my coach house had 1800 watt photovoltaic solar panels installed that seems to lead into the garage below me. I hear loud thumps and crashes all the. Time from down there. It's super disturbing cause it shakes my whole house.. I've lived here since October and have recently noticed strange occurrences things going missing moved around I never misplace ahit and keep an orderly abode so I notice

Feb 01 at 02:55 AM

Joshua Paul Frisk things have slowed down. I think that maybe voicing my concerns here made a difference. I am guessing that TLS investigates each of us very well. I wouldn't see why they would not. Am I correct? I noticed two groups of people who would follow me. One was definitely more sinister than the other.


Feb 01 at 02:53 AM

Akhi it's Notta matter of bullies its psychotic. I can deal with bullies. I dealt with them all through high-school. I got through that. Thisnis having your whole world turned inside out. Craziness like you've never seen.


Feb 01 at 02:51 AM

Akhi things are going much better


Jan 23 at 01:20 AM

What's the pnw?


Jan 22 at 09:40 PM

Can you show me the link ease

Jan 22 at 09:39 PM

Akhi where isnthis link?