I would really like your take on it. I'm not mentally ill and I do use drugs but I've used them for tears with no ill effect its only just recently that sll this started to occur like within the last month so I l0ais off the drugs and that didn't make ahit any better. I'm seriously thinking I'm being electronically harassed and gang stalked. Anyone e with any experience in this put there? Please get in contact with me
Joshua Paul Frisk
Surrey, Canada
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Feb 07 at 02:11 PM
I have done bad things in.my life mostly out of necessity. I strive to be more than what I sm I strive for higher achievements in becoming more spiritual and exploring tat side of me I'm worried these b0eing0s have seen 0whT I have Done and have written me off. I don't want that to be the case as there is much love in.my heart I've been put in positions where I've had to do things I know are wrong in order to survive. I just need guidance and wish something like this would occur to me instead I'm hunted and tortured in my dreams. What x0an I do?