Tamie Doty

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 08:43 PM

I just ordered mine, I’ll come back here to see if they helped you. Thank you

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 29 at 02:36 PM

What’s to stop them from creating a virus that nicotine doesn’t work anymore? Love this interview. Thank you


Aug 22 at 01:44 AM

I only know of the new interview that came out about a week ago. It’s found under “new releases”. It’s about twenty six minutes long.  If there is another one afterwards I haven’t seen it.  

Commented on Forced covid

Aug 14 at 01:59 PM

This is quite the doctor.  He has taken people who go into comma from the shots a revived them and he has healed many.  I have met one in real life.  https://youtube.com/@williamseedsmd


Replied on Forced covid

Aug 14 at 01:58 PM

Ashleylook up Dr. Seeds he has lots of suggestions.  Quite the doctor  https://youtube.com/@williamseedsmd

Aug 13 at 03:23 PM

Look under new releases

Commented on Newest Ray Interview

Aug 13 at 03:22 PM

Look under new releases it’s there 

Aug 13 at 03:17 PM

Someone said go to search bar and write  toss update hiwever my bar won’t stay up for me to write it.  And I’m a member.  Maybe to many looking?

Aug 13 at 03:15 PM

My search bar disappears won’t let me write this update or anything and I am a member hmmm

Aug 13 at 03:11 PM
