Tamie Doty

Aug 13 at 03:03 PM

I can’t find it either😟


Aug 13 at 03:00 PM

Yes your/Jason’s NY time but I think Washington state time is twelve.  I may have misunderstood.  


Aug 13 at 02:01 PM

Where do I find on unifyd the newest interview with Ray coming out in an hour.?  Thank you🌻


Replied on The Beautiful Truth

Aug 05 at 01:08 PM

Until we can grow vegetables and fruits in much healthier hydroponics ways we hurt more animals, critters, land, sky growing these foods for a complete world if vegans vegetarians raw eaters.  I know because I’ve lived where farming is big.  The soil, has so little life left in it.   Birds, bees, butterflies, rabbits, squirrels, snakes, moles, etc… are exterminated.  Many lies told with organic growing too.  Also, ketones are much healthier for our body/brain


Aug 03 at 01:15 AM

How do you purpose we get everyone to decide we’ve had enough?  I’m almost 62 years old and I’ve tried everything in my mind to understand how to wake people up to the 1% running the world.  As I pondered this in the last few years about three months ago I realized, we are the ones who created them.   Every single person no mater how poor created this 1% .   Self realization is the only answer I came up with.  I engage less now.  I rethink what I do and buy and listen too.  I’m happy to hear your thoughts on how this can be done.   Thank you 🌻


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Jul 30 at 11:43 PM

UNIFYD World Member SupportI have purchased Jason’s books, I would like direction to the books unifyd tv offer to read fir members here at this sight.  I believe you also offer the pyramid code.  Thank You

Commented on Hidden Revelations

Jul 28 at 04:08 PM

Video 5, I am what I seek. I seek the beauty of a tree I am beauty. I seek love, I am love, I seek courage, I am courage, I seek peace, grace, truth, energy etc… I am that which I seek.  Once this is found & understood the truth of who a human being opens up to them, now we need to actually learn how to live in form as we express that which is us, the infinite.  we draw/paint/sculpture everything that exists, we are all, all is us.  I did a lot of aya in Peru + other medicines.  When I went to the place of nothing. endless nothing, it confused me.  The 3rd time I went there I realized something was in the nothingness,  I-Mind was there, then I went into a worm hole, I do not remember where.  when others did aya & went to the no place of nothingness a grey area, no color,  I’d say “focus on who knows they are in nothingness’  We create in the No time/space place.   It’s really easy to learn this stuff talked about however, living it in form is the journey & not easy to live 💖U.TV


Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Jul 26 at 02:33 AM

I would like joining a book club and reading the Pyramid followed by a series. Thank you🌻