Christy Overton

Nov 19 at 09:32 PM

Elephants are amazing animals.Thanks for sharing this! Loved it!


Nov 19 at 07:40 PM

I am very much appreciating your posts! Thank you for sharing this info

Nov 19 at 07:20 PM

Thank you!

Nov 16 at 11:35 AM



Nov 16 at 11:30 AM

I was in a similar situation where I was so exhausted and in so much pain that I honestly felt like I wouldn't wake up the next morning and my children would find me dead and be alone in the world. I had difficulty being thankful even tho I knew that even then that I should be. Its hard to look at pain and torment as something to be thankful for. I began saying Thank you, Lord. I don't know what you are doing but I know it will be for my benefit at some point. At first I was being sarcastic if I'm being honest. But I began seeing that every time I said it and most especially when I didn't mean it God would allow me to see what my pain had spared me from. I call Him God, you can call Him Creator or whatever you like, as per your beliefs. All I know is the more I said thank you when I was looking at awful problems and circumstance the more God helped me thru that horrible time. By the end of each day I found that I was deeply and profoundly thankful. Gratitude changes everything.

This says I can't watch this with my currant subscription plan. Not understanding this.

Nov 02 at 08:52 PM

I would be interested in this

Oct 07 at 01:48 PM

thank you, Jason for these videos. You are a good teacher and I find myself absorbing this information like a plant absorbs water. You are putting into words things I have been called crazy for believing these very things. I absolutely know these things to be truth. Not sure how but I do.


Commented on Shifting Perceptions

Sep 18 at 12:26 PM

Well said. I have been saying that words have power for years and people look at me like Im crazy! Especially words that are believed when they are spoken! Truly powerful stuff! Thankful to see someone else who believes this is true!

Sep 18 at 12:36 AM

creation, love, connection and change were the first I saw. Sounds good to me.
