Christy Overton

Dec 14 at 09:57 PM

Years to get this far but I know in my heart I'm headed in the right direction! Glad you are here too! Like me, you are searching for more in this life. A way out of the misery and into what we are meant to be. We are meant for so much more than this, I know it inside and out! As I said before, I am sending you love, my friend. All encompassing, soul strengthening, darkness banishing, body and soul healing love!


Dec 14 at 09:48 PM

I believe in God as well. And like you, I had people think my suffering and trials must've been some kind of condemnation or that I had no faith when in fact my faith was why I was able to hold my ground for as long as I have. I've always known love for God but until recently didn't realize the full scope of what humans truly are and how loved we are. I know we have power, have always known, but didn't understand how to tap into it. I have learned that our words have power though. People thought I was crazy but time and again I started calling things that were negative as something positive. How we look at our problems and what we say about them really does effect the outcome, although it can be hard to break habits of phrases we use all the time. Its worth it tho every time I made a conscious choice to speak into existence the things I wanted instead of what I could see. I get impatient wanting what I know is a process to happen immediately lol. I'm learning tho. Lol it took me 50


Nov 28 at 08:32 PM

I love that you are here! I have lost my trust in the medical system in America. I look forward to reading your posts and will be following you!


Nov 28 at 08:24 PM

place I've looked. There is much wisdom here and people who can guide you if you want them to. I am praying for us both my friend and still sending you Love. If we keep pressing forward with open hearts we will find what we are looking for.


Nov 28 at 08:16 PM

In a 4 wheeler accident. He was bedridden for a while. One day I woke up in terrible pain and in tears. My youngest had an appointment that day but I was hurting to badly to go. I said Lord I don't know why you are allowing me to hurt so badly but thank you. Within 2 minutes I heard a sound like lightning and our home filled with smoke. A surge protector had caught fire under my sons bookshelf that set the house on fire. Because I was there I was able to put it out and rescue both my sons from the house. Had I not been in so much pain he would have died that day. I guess what I want to say is that you are not alone even though it feels hopeless and you've been abandoned by those you loved. I don't have all the answers and I am learning as I go. I would heal you if I knew how to do so but I haven't learned how yet. But just know you are never alone and there is hope sometimes where you least expect it. I have found more answers and direction watching the programs on Unify than any


Nov 28 at 08:00 PM

Cate you have been through so much! It breaks my heart to hear that you have suffered so! I can relate more than you know. I also suffered SA as a small child and as for relationships, well, let's just say that my ex husband of 25 years was an alcoholic and abused drugs. To the point that he is in prison convicted of murdering a man over drugs. I was forced to raise my 2 boys alone with no career skills except being a mom. Then I got spider bit by a cousin to the brown recluse. My immune system crashed and I began having staph infections. I had over a hundred within 2 years time. Then I had a doctor give me an overdose of lidocaine the last vial of which hit my main artery which caused me to have seizures for the next 5 years and metabolic acidity which felt like a cigarette burn when anything touched me. I still have pain daily from bone spurs, arthritis, broken teeth, etc... but it is much reduced from what it was. After my husband was convicted, my oldest son fractured his back


Nov 26 at 02:24 PM

...caused so much physical pain in my life! I am now myself without apology! And my heart is in a state of peace. I experience trials and discomfort, of course but they don't blindside me like they used to. Now I understand that everything has a purpose and a reason and all are for my growth and development. I don't know if any of this is part of your experience as well, it is just a portion of what saved me. I am sending you love, my friend. All encompassing, body and soul filling love. It is the healer of us all and the most powerful force on earth.


Nov 26 at 02:15 PM

Sounds like you have a beautiful soul. Loving and kind. I was the same way as a child and I was happy! As I got older the world told me I had to be all these things. To be a good daughter, wife, mother, Christian, etc... I became depressed, angry, sick, hopeless and mostly confused! I prayed and prayed and didn't understand why I didn't see God and His blessings in my life! I SUFFERED SO! One day I realized something so powerful it changed everything! All this time I had been molding myself into everything I thought I should be, never realizing that I was no longer the sweet, empathetic, loving person God created me to be! I didn't even recognize myself. So I stopped. I started shedding all the layers of bs I had shrouded myself with until all that was left is me. Just me. Good, bad, right or wrong, just me. I noticed quickly my depression disorder left, my immune issues left, my pain levels began easing dramatically! I had no idea that my mental pain and bandage really, could have


Nov 20 at 11:06 AM

Love, gratitude, connection, and change are my words this time. Last time I saw creation instead of gratitude. Funny how what we see depends on our perception


Commented on True Service

Nov 20 at 10:55 AM

It is our job to awaken ourselves. As we do we gain understanding. We become aware thru our own struggles that without that understanding we become bent and broken. Knowing this gives me a deep empathy for all the souls floundering in the matrix. Work on our own light and they will follow like moths to the flame. Our souls search for a brightening of that light inherently. We don't have to awaken anyone. By our love, empathy and compassion we become the embodiment of that light. As they are ready, they will come. Be the light in the dark and simply light their way so the path is visible. Love is the most powerful force on earth. Love never fails. They will come as they are ready each in their own pace and at their own level of understanding. Sadly some won't be able to follow but maybe our light can give them some comfort and ease their pain in this life. After all, isn't that the whole point? To be whatever help we can be as we are able and with our own levels of understanding?
