Shaun zinn


Aug 28 at 11:05 PM

Ray says we're are meant to have these weapons right? Weapons of mass destruction that can harm other dimensions.
If so, then the dark forces or whatever you all call them could of gave them to stupid humans to knowingly harm and attack other dimension by way of stupid humans, right. Oops it wasn't me. It was them stupid humans eating paint chips again. Call it a loop hole. What if humanity has been helping the evil ones hurt other dimensions that have been helping us. Why some want to remain unknown because they could be attacked.
Really, knowing it affect dimensions, and knowingly setting off a bomb that could destroy the earth. (There is that probability. What is the probability that it could destroy an earth in another dimension or someplace else? What if the real attack was not on this world, but for one in another dimension what destruction have our choices made on other dimensions I ask?



Aug 28 at 10:52 PM

The aliens Reptilian, never gave humanity technology. They gave them science.Which they hold back to make a profit.come on, the aliens were not like, here's a microwave, go make some money lol humanity was given knowledge of science, which it used for its own greater good. They have merely kept the knowledge to themselves and sent us chasing our puppy tails in reverse what is folliw the money?? But throwing it in reverse?
When you think of, mind racing what is the reverse? Think of it through heart with love and light as a tru spiritual being. They already try to make your minds wonder enough.
What is the age of love? A new ideology, way of thinking and being..
You know why skulls and bones works? They are consciousness with each other. They hold no secrets, everybody knows what the other is already doing full transparency. All good because everyone doing evil shit right... while they put voices in our heads that no one speaks of, come on we all talk to ourselves
While we can not even have transparency with ourselves they fear the new ideology right Ray.. .



Aug 28 at 09:10 PM

Lack there of... Chinese have honor and a deep belief of spiritual beings, they play their own game. They do not need alien technology, they can steal it lol and they are very good. They have no ties to the Reptilian. They already have total control of their people, make their own laws, do pretty much what ever they want right? Make a billionaire disappear, kill millions, against any religion. They want us like that lol
Get it, they already have. What everybody else wants, total control, free technology from their own means...
Kinda like, everybody else sold their soul, but China. Be cool if we had a awesome good Reptilian, that had his higher self with him. Like he would be so possessed, could interact with crystallized self and see it . Someone that was really christ like, because being christ like is so in now.. In all he would just be bringing a new ideology, plain and simple. The one to lead, would show a new ideology, one truly faith base. The one that knows the way, and you with your wanderer, or what ever t shirt you been needing to wear??? Sending a message
Maybe that person will exist one day, God knows they killed anyone that ever got close??? Right, I am merely just Devine presence in a manifestation of consciousness. I have brought higher self to the flesh.
This guy is so fucking crazily, look it's easy.. the "spiritual beings " of a higher dimension and me got thing going. The one to bring a new ideology, gets to live a normal life. Yah yah, I get my moments of love and fame.. I show that that my christ like is just normal lol I found my way myself, oh yeah the TLS been on me, I can feel ray, I call him the theif, Joker and the Theif pun, this is for you jasin. You should know that incorrect selling lol haha
I am the that gets to
Other people, one that is christ like, brings new ideology, gets to be normal again by blaming it on the aliens and anyone can become christ like with their help as he has. Oh, and he gets the girl gotta be done for a reason. What better reason then love? Love and light to you all if you made it to the end. If you didn't, we'll shit they never gonna know?