(Sa) Ra H Jennifer Reyes

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 12:43 PM

I spread love across my social media platforms. I’m in EMS and spread light and love in all my interactions there too! Lead by example!

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 12:42 PM

I know it’s real because I’ve experienced things I cannot explain since I’ve been on my spiritual journey…I seek the truth I want to be a part of creating this loving new world where there’s no more hate nothing but love! I’ve been drawn to children my entire life I know it’s part of my souls mission somehow!

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 12:26 PM

Earthquakes in Mexico?! That happened months ago

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 11:53 AM

Unconditional love!!! Yess!!!


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 11:53 AM

I’d love to go to a place like that someday!


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 11:49 AM

I’m the same way ever since I was born I help even when I don’t have the means to help for the greater good of humanity I live my life with love for everyone I come into contact with…people would say “naïve” even. I’ve been going through a lot of situations with “mind games” I thought it was from a specific person who initiated my spiritual awakening. I’ve gone down many rabbit holes trying to learn more and financially I’m in trouble but have this insane gut feeling things will work out in the end. I choose not to change my core beliefs just bc I’m in a difficult situation financially right now. I choose the love and light! I don’t believe in religion but I believe in source or the divine universe. I listen and look for signs at all times.