Roger Beaumont

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Apr 01 at 05:38 PM

I'm a ex-fentanyl heroin addict myself that's one of the hardest things I ever had to go through is getting off of that our wish I had another option besides methadone but methadone is the only treatment that worked for me now I wish I can get off that but I can't because every time I try to quit doing methadone I relapse opiates are the hardest thing to recover from I really feel for you and wish you the best of luck I know how hard life is being an opiate addict I know that being on methadone doesn't mean I'm 100% sober but I live a normal life I'm not out chasing my next fix and I don't have a needle in my arm once again I wish you the best of luck and I'm glad you're making the change to better yourself have an awesome recovery


Commented on Good read here.

Mar 29 at 04:52 PM

That makes a lot of sense... I've only astral projected once and it was because I was deadly sick but it's an experience I'll never forget it's a calm and peace that I've never had before or since. I didn't know what was happening at the time I thought I was hallucinating over the years I figured it out and it opened my eyes to a false reality I know now I don't have to be scared of death I know now life after death is a real thing this body is temporary and I will live on and that is a comfort that no religion can give me

Mar 29 at 04:44 PM

Orange Texas (the fruit)

Mar 29 at 02:00 PM

Did they really find tunnels and if so where did they lead

Mar 28 at 07:37 PM

This can't be aloud