
Sep 09 at 09:49 PM

11/2 Life Path

You are the most intuitive of all numbers and have a strong capacity for healing. You are sensitive and care a ton about what’s going on behind the scenes. You pick up on other people’s feelings and hidden attributes easily. You also have the qualities of the number two magnified. You are a visionary.

Your downfalls: You can become easily overwhelmed by your gifts. Fears and phobias are very typical of your number. You can also become nervous and moody easily. You are the most spiritually inclined of all the numbers, and therefore can be sensitive and anxious.


Sep 09 at 09:48 PM


Sep 09 at 09:47 PM

You are an 11 which is a master number.

Dec 27 at 11:25 PM

Ludington Michigan

Oct 11 at 07:14 PM

Totally agree.


Oct 11 at 05:58 PM

First off, Where can I find the document "The pyramid code" to read?? Secondly, I think we all could use a master in meditation to learn how to meditate properly. I think many of us would love to learn some of these techniques that Ray speaks of. My question is what else can we do besides research, and becoming more aware to fight against these evildoers, the psychopaths and their puppets.