
Oct 12 at 10:26 AM

I am currently reading the document now! I have burst out laughing at ray. He’s funny OMG. My higher self is getting a lot of confirmation from Rabbi AA. I am so grateful

Oct 10 at 11:17 PM

Thank you I was on a total Different website. I got the book on Amazon and read it! My thirst for spiritual knowledge is intense!


Oct 10 at 11:01 PM

I don’t accept it either! And according to Dolores cannon and Ismael Perez it’s a lot sooner than that ! I think they struggling with providing dates and time as it doesn’t exist and it depends on the collective of course


Oct 10 at 10:59 PM

Yeah ! It’s so disappointing everyone charging for everything. I know it’s go support them but it’s getting overhwleming. I’m sure we will shift this collectively but not fast enough lol


Oct 10 at 10:52 PM

I know it feels like we get bread crumbs lol!


Oct 10 at 10:51 PM

I saw some ppl wishing they could join tls.. this is so weird! I would never wish this.. I fully trust I am given all for my highest good. You wonder why they don’t give us the full truth lmfao! A lot of us are ready though. I feel it!

Oct 10 at 09:45 PM

Is ray saying that we would get the codes with the divine upon reading what he wrote? Like an activation do the higher self? Which would mean that the codes are there… ??!!

Oct 10 at 09:41 PM

I read the pyramid code and the problem is it keeps mentioning how the codes cannot be released like there is information being held back… yes I understand it can’t go in the wrong hands but look at the planet now.. it’s already dark. We need more information to embody more light and if no one steps forward then how are we going to evolve? My question is when will the codes come out ? No wonder people keep asking questions. The pyramid code is not the entire picture!!

Oct 10 at 08:59 PM

Ah ok! Thank you so much n

Oct 10 at 08:59 PM

I agree with this. I’ve posted a comment on another vdieo stating they are under estimating the readiness of people.
