Kimber Rayna

Commented on World map

Oct 09 at 06:44 PM

Word on the street, is it's full of Blizzards, White walkers and wildlings. 😅🫶

Oct 05 at 07:16 AM

Speaking of simulation theory, have any of you guys watched the movie "Free Guy?"

It's about a NPC turned sentient. Has Ryan Reynolds in it, so it's super entertaining too.

Another good one is Lawn Mower Man.

Oct 05 at 05:53 AM

Ginny Lyran StarSeed Where do I find this?


Oct 03 at 11:40 AM

Has anyone had any sort of therapeutic dreams?
For just one of about 5 instances as an example:
I have had my ex come to me in a dream and apologize sincerely for ghosting me after 4 year relationship as soon as he went to college.
It was so cathartic. I woke every morning feeling like I had years of therapy.
Does anyone know anything about this type of thing? I would love to see absolute any ideas or input.
The power of apology. The power of forgiveness.
If you have done someone wrong, perhaps reach out and apologize. Could potentially be very healing to the person you have hurt.
And, forgiveness yourself. Mihappen. Bumps in the road happen for a reason.
Growth. 🫶
Selfless love. Service to others. Respecting our body mind spirit and emotions is a way to find healing and greater heights in this wacky human experience on Earth.

Thank you for reading. I know your time is valuable. I love you all. Have a greatday full of wonder@

Oct 03 at 11:28 AM

Ginny Lyran StarSeed I am planning on calling this week! So exciting how the Unifyed family is bringing people together ❤️


Commented on Cancel

Oct 03 at 09:41 AM

I will send you 14 bucks.

This is an investment of the mind.

Cash app? Or money gram?


Oct 03 at 09:38 AM

Good idea. Maybe you're being called to work on that medium? Possibly when you feel you can teach others.

Oct 01 at 11:59 AM

12:38 made be freeze. I have been having dreams exactly like these.

Oct 01 at 11:47 AM

It saddens me to see every comment on this thread. If the others are watching, as they do, how do you think they feel of your conduct I'm these moments w this haughty conversation?

Let's take an assumptive look.

If so:

the tone in this thread will be reverberated through the masses and others will speak in the same tone and prideful way you have spoken here back to you

If not:

They leave us to our own devices. 💣☣️The tone and prideful conduct in this thread will be what we have to look forward to, along with niceties..

In any case, let's try to spend our energy in kindness and love ❤️

That is moving forward. Its welcoming/ rises the vibes for future generations.

Moving forward we might see some crazy looking things.... but if you're Part of the UNIFYED family, you'll get it.

6 yrs ago, Id mention aliens and 🍕 ga t e and people would look at me like the crazy!

Things are different now. People are more open to it.

It looked crazy, but prob fact.

Could be the same her

Sep 29 at 01:00 PM

Feline. I have had dreams of a felinesq friend visit me in dreams.

So much happens in my dream life, I find myself wanting to stay there more often.
