Kimber Rayna

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 29 at 12:48 PM

Valuable and informative. My favorite part is how Dr. Bryan Ardis walked the audience through his journey in the rabbit hole. People need to learn how to follow the bread crumbs on their own as well. This podcast has done just that. 💗🫶

Sent with Love and healing lights ✨️


Sep 27 at 09:53 AM

Are you Brittish, by chance?

Sep 27 at 09:50 AM

That is the experience you want to buy with your paid attention? If so, maybe try to get a motor home? Mobile and you can fear less. 💗

We can not always manage our emotions, but we can manage how we transfer that emotional energy.


Sep 21 at 11:04 PM

This is incredible. I just watched this podcast and when Eden mentioned Ohio and East Palistine, I then had to give Eden, and Just Be LLC a Google.

As reality would have it, her office is 16 minutes from my house.

"Coincidence" I think not!

Sep 21 at 10:22 PM


I have been on the hunt for a Unifyed NDE and DE podcast, as I have had a death experience myself. Beat and breathless for around 23 minutes. Nothing short of a miracle that I didn't suffer brain damage.

The experience was incredible. Filled with explanation and even a prophecy I was warned about if I choose to come back to this body, which I obviously did and within 6 months, the prophecy came to pass! It was an oddly specific foresight too. I wish I could give everyone my experience in the elsewhere. 🫶Once in a while, I will find other nde/de are similar to my own.

I know, Im blabbering away. I am just psyched I've found this good platform, filled with well meaning people, who are as passionate as I am about the betterment of all.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Sep 19 at 01:39 PM

Awe, I am going to miss Ray.

Commented on Codes Of Creation

Sep 13 at 02:43 PM

I love how excited Neil got when the interviewer feed off his instru turn and went in his own direction 👏 That's such a good moment, I got caught up.