Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Hood*Witch 🤍 Spiritual*Badass 💜 Little*Miss*Sirian*Starseed 💟Galactic*Gangster👸🏻⚔️

Commented on Whoah... 😮😲

Mar 26 at 10:19 PM



Additionally, I loved what Jason had to say about addiction and his views on certain 12-Step practices. He mentioned things I have been saying for years! I don’t count clean time (which he talked about), because I very much live in the day/moment. Yesterday is gone and anyone in recovery could relapse tomorrow. That is also why I choose to not pick up any key tags either, despite all my friends trying to encourage me to pick up my key tags, and get me to change my views on the matter. I have also introduced myself at meetings as a “recovering addict” for many years now, rather than just an “addict.” In my mind I was an addict when I was using, but not when I was clean (which is something else he touched on). However, I have taken even a step further thanks to attending THE TRANSFORMATION. I now indroduce myself as follows: “I’m Laura and I’ve been blessed with recovery.” Words/Wording is definitely a powerful tool that we can use to our advantage. 💜💟🤍


I knew that two of my life themes were my struggles with substance abuse and toxic romantic relationships. I thought they were two separate themes. However, because of THE TRANSFORMATION I realized that the themes connect! One of the things we had to do was write down was what all we wanted to get out the event. I wrote down that I wanted to trust my intuition more. Okay, so I started to ask myself why I don’t trust my intuition. In my addiction I often knew better, but didn’t always do better. I relapsed many times along my journey. Every time I would think I was done using for good and then would eventually relapse. That made me doubt my intuition and myself more and more each time. Then I started thinking about my toxic relationships and why I don’t trust my romantic partners. Then it hit me…THE LAW OF REFLECTIONS! I don’t trust my romantic partners because I really don’t trust myself! 🤯 I mean it’s so obvious. Idk how I never made the connection before, so learning that was cool.

Mar 21 at 04:44 PM

Note: I love the pronunciation versus the spelling of the chapter of RAYS OF LIGHT written in 2013 and released 1/1/24. 😉😉😉

Mar 21 at 03:33 PM

I am glad Ray talked about how giving is an important part of receiving abundance. As well as, the idea of being your most authentic self. Authenticity is supposed to be a higher vibration than even Love….correct? Then I have been saying for the longest time that 2024 is when things are going to pop off and chaos is going to ensue. I feel like it’s going to be the second half of the year where things get really bad. I’m grateful that Ray and TLS are working behind the scenes to help minimize the impact. If you ever need any extra help, holler at ya girl.🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ I would love nothing more than to become a spiritual X-(Wo)Man and learn to tap into my gifts on a deeper level, in order to be able to help neutralize all the negativity and low vibrational crap that the “psychopaths” (as Ray likes to call them) are pumping out into our world. 💜💟🤍 Again, keep up the good work! I will be waiting on a Pyramid Code 5.

Mar 19 at 03:18 PM

Jason posts the videos/content to his YouTube channel at a later date than on the Unifyd channel. We are paying for premium access and I don’t mind doing it. I agree with their being an exchange of energy/abundance of some sort and as I mentioned he is still providing the information to everyone, just at a later date via the YouTube channel. Additionally, the content he posts on the channel can be accessed on YouTube, Netflix, & other sites if you take the time to look. The majority of the content of the channel I watched long before Unifyd even existed, so again you are paying for convenience and early access. 💜💟🤍


Mar 16 at 05:24 PM

Excellent Article! 💜💟🤍


Karen 💜💟🤍 Love that! Great perspective and absolutely on point! 💯🎯


Mar 11 at 01:08 PM

1:00…sitting at gate 123…looking at an airplane! ✈️

Karen It’s probably both…survival mechanism due to trauma and fear as well. I take a little 2 mile nature walk every morning. I feel that animals and nature are very healing. 💜
