Amanda Cossu

Aurora, Canada


Feb 18 at 01:05 PM


Dec 29 at 12:11 PM

People open their mouth and they think their so smart. All knowledge comes from some where. Do you know many people can have the same thought to an invention at the same time. There is a field of energy called the field. It's the mind of the universe that holds everything created, time does not exist in this space. Anyone can reach this space, some call it the akashic records. In truth we are all channeling information from the universe. Most don't realize where all their thoughts come from. Spirit flows knowledge into human life. Why i share. I don't claim any of my thoughts or words to my own, but I consider my human self just a vessel for spirit the higher self to express its self. Creation into physical form always comes from the highest realms of spirit that is the true driver of this destination in life. There is a reason for everything even if we can't see it. The ability to understand others, and to actually be able to lift one up as we also rise ourselves towards the sun. The sun always shines brightest within, that we allow to flow without resistance. We are all abundant, because we have the constant flow of the universe that flows spirit, through us into others to become one with all that we connect to on a spirit level. Nothing is truly lost, if spirit/ energy cannot be destroyed or created only transformed into many creations or forms. When energy is released after the death of one life, that energy goes into the birth of another life. Soul/spirit remembers every life, only in the limited 3rd dimension human life we temporarily forget, the human brain is not designed to see or understand the bigger picture of the whole universe. Beings that are born in the higher dimensions that are of more energy and less matter, understand the structure of the universe. We are like children to the rest of the universe, no where else in the universe is there separation or lack of love. Many souls originally from these higher dimensions have chosen to be birthed into the 3rd dimension human form. As such expirence being different than what others consider normal. It is not normal to be feeling empty or not feeling the presence of spirit that is love. There are negative forces both in physical form and non physical form that would have everyone in the state of war rather than love. As they benefit in creating more of what they are rather allow the power of love to change them or perish what they have become. Fear appears powerful, but it's not, but an illusion, the truest and most powerful force in the universe is love. Loving no matter what, returning to innocence, with the awareness of all that is. The good and the bad is out there. Only love has the power to heal and create miracles. Healing your heart and the hearts of others is the only way to have any real change into the illness that was created deep within. I am eternal love/spirit.



Dec 14 at 09:32 PM

We have always been awake and aware, being present in this life. We were just not acknowledging or realizing that which we are and that which we do so naturally. We have come too often to the point that what is nature has become forgotten. Many that first let go of their blocks and internal conflict think why me, no one is any special than another. We are all the same and equal. All going through the same process that we call life, trying to fix the chain of conflict that has been passed down from generation to generation. We are the reflection of those that created us, taught us their ways even though it’s wasn’t correct or the best way. Braking the cycle that we walk creating a new one for new generations to come. How you want to help this world, how to make a difference. Be the change, show by example. Where others turn away from you, be there when they need you. Don’t do to others what is done to you. Do always better to all no matter what. Always express every action with the intention to love with all your heart in every moment. The heart always knows the right direction in every moment.



Dec 12 at 08:26 PM

We have all encaged ourselves into a place we call home, feeling safe, fearing what is outside. This is no way to live. Seeing through the window is one thing but actually walking outside through the door that opens toward a direction that has many different paths that can appear is a completely different thing. There is no measure to what is possible once fear is faced and overcome. Or rather seeing there is no need to fear in the first place. Fear brings the illusion that you need protecting from some unknown threat. Who is the real threat, your own thoughts. We all are powerful being that can create anything we dream of. There has to be a way, a path to get to the abundance, happiness, and love that everyone wants which is the true destination to creating life on earth. Connecting with other people that walk the same path is a real joy. Peace on earth becomes the status quo, heaven on earth becomes the norm. Everyone has the same dream in the eternal soul that flows spirit. People spend their whole life chasing something they think will bring them happiness only to feel empty once they have that. It’s you that you need, your soul/ spirit that shines through to everything you touch. Love in your heart to remember who you truly are that is eternal love. There is no way to ever lose that spark that brought you to this earth. You’re the reason for everything. Together we fulfill the greater purpose. We are more than just neighbors. We are brothers and sisters, we are one of the same creator that created its self within many physical forms. Perhaps a human life is short but a soul/spirit experiences many lives at the same time. Time is something that only exists in the 3rd dimension where we live as humans. The truth must come out no matter how many want it to remain in the shadows as a secret. Those that know will always speak without fear. This is the journey to overcome the fears we have been living for thousands of years. It’s time of awakening. It is up to us to discover our true way of being. Hiding behind a phone isn’t the answer either. Even though it’s great to have the internet to connect to so many people even so far away, many people still are afraid to meet in person. Many people don’t even put their real name or don’t even put a picture of themselves on the profile picture. No one will come after you. But isn’t it great if someone in a store recognizes you and starts to get to know you. I had that once someone recognize me while I was cutting grass at work, I didn’t even know who that person was. But I was happy to be known by someone. The status quo of a society and what is considered the norm can change. It take all of us to work together to make changes, by first changing how we live our own lives. The internet is a tool that we can let other people know of places and ways to come together and share information and ideas. Even different perspective can be shared. We are all like a piece of puzzle that come together to show the bigger and whole picture. As one peace you will never know what you are. But together we can see what we are as one earth, one people, one world. Religion, race, country does not matter at all, within we are all equal and the same to the eyes that created this magical world. Every story of creation is the same just in different words and in different languages. But the message is always the same. Love your neighbor as you love your self. What you do to others you do to yourself. So love all with all your heart, and in turn love will be you manifest in form.



Dec 05 at 09:30 PM

The question is what's on my mind, I am somebody's neighbor. But do you know me. Most likely no. I am sitting at home, to myself. Not walking up to a neighbors door. Why people love virtual connections compared to a physical face to face one that has more truth and meaning. It seems it's not custom to just walk up to someone that lives so close by. Tides are changing. I could say I am a wayshower. There is always a better way to be. The past ways of society do not work and never will. Letting go of fear is the first step to walking towards a new path. So let the change happen naturally. Blossoms become beautifal when open to the light. In my soul my purpose is greater than choosing one path in life. There is so many directions in can walk and even side trails. Getting lost in a forest that has no previous path is the way to create one for others to follow behind. Going through the difficult times, hoping others will have an easier time to see the journey clearly. What works and what doesn't. All the lessons learned on the way. I had to learn the hard way, I had to be my own teacher to give my self the lessons that guided me through life. Even one that teaches others will always continue being a student to life and always learn new lessons. Learning never stops. I think the pay of working should be equal to the cost of living. But unfortunately it is not. Working full time is not enough to rent or buy a house or a car. People work all their lives. When their near to death of old age then retire to the ground. That's not living. Wasting their whole life out of fear they choose not to really live. There is a better way, I know it. The way that those that don't follow the status quote walk. Listing to their heart going where love takes them. To those that matter most. The beat of my heart always sounds in the background to every expirence that I face. Facing it head on with the courage of a lion. In this life being weak will never win. Those that build the strength can hold the weight of the world on top of them. Peace calls me to be still and silent to the core. The core holds seeds to grow within new soil. Planting new seeds grow new and strong roots. In the dark for some time then reaching for the light. Growing high above the clouds till reaching for the sky. The warmth empowering every beautiful flower to open. This is love that shines bright in every heart of every creation. The heart of earth shines just as bright as the brightest star. Stars born from the universe. Something calls me to awaken my brightest light of my heart, love flows constantly and unconditionally. No matter what I face, there always is the power of forgiveness. The power to let go of the past to create the moment full of love in a new way. Just love and everything will fall in place to what everything is meant to be. Recognize creating everything out of love will always lead down the right path. Love is always inside you. That's where you look within you. Pray to the spirit of love that is you within.



Nov 29 at 03:33 PM

When many times we believe we are awake to only find out later we were really always asleep dreaming. A dream within a dream, layers of the so called dream that encompasses us. There is no fully being awake while dreaming in a human life. But you can become aware that your dreaming and have the choice to create the dream that you want to manifest. But a projection into a hologram that appears real and feels real. The soul feels the trauma as real and deeply feels the wounds that tares up the soul into pieces. It's called soul fragmentation. So healing the soul to become one again is the purpose here, also to help others how to do that as well.


Nov 22 at 08:50 PM

Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 47 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link
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Nov 17 at 08:28 PM

Genocide is coming. Any information about this? Sometimes thoughts comes to my mind. And I seem to know something.


Nov 11 at 06:50 PM

The tides come and go. The wise flow in the direction of the wind. Becoming one with the storm. One of the same, no fight exists. Kill not ones self to its own reflection. Power reflected in a small mirror, appearing powerless.


Nov 07 at 10:32 PM

I walked away, but it pains me like a stabing in my heart. Tears flow out a constant fall. For my own good, I made this choice. What is love, giving non stop, non in return. Or at least that is what it feels. Trapped within a life I don't want. How to want other than to love what isn't returned. I can't help how I feel, feeling everything the good and bad. Even people around me, I feel all that surrounds me. If I remove all that hurt me, then I am completely alone. Being alone hurts a thousand times more than being surrounded by one's that I love but shadow me with their fear and illusions. Ufos talk so much about not being able to get involved in humans life because of humans having the right of free will, but I have never felt free or like I had free will at all. I always felt like a bird in a cage. I would think if we were finaling able to all know and connect to our family from other planets then we would be able to know where we come from. How can anyone feel whole without connecting to the beings that created us and put their dna in us. It's like our parents abandoned us at birth from the beginning of creation. Even our human parents have not given the love and guidance we need growing up. Because they went through the same trauma. Trauma gets passed on from generation to generation. At what point will there be enough healing to stop the cycle of constant dysfunction and illusion. Everyone needs to feel loved, when one only feels used, where to go. It takes courage to open and heal a heart once it has been broken and closed off, then to have it cut up in pieces again. I feel tired of this constant cycle, for loving so deep that it consumes me to only have it taken away from me. To realize it was but an illusion that any love was returned. Is it so difficult for people to truly love. Fear takes hold of everyone. Love isn't able to flow in a space that houses fear. This world isn't real nor is what is seen in the mind of this reality. When it comes to a point, I am done giving. I Quit and don't care anymore if others don't have their slave anymore. I quit being a slave to a system that isn't fare. I work so hard to help and be what others need from me. For what. Even with more expirence the pay stays the same. I have not found a job that actually pays equal to the amount of energy given to do a perfect job and even with working so fast. Excuses of there being a recession, is no excuse to under value someone's work effort. I actually quit my full time job of 14 months. I have no idea how I will make money or create abundance but it's not worth becoming a slave with little pay.