Amanda Cossu

Aurora, Canada


Nov 06 at 11:36 PM

Looks like an angel to me.


Nov 06 at 11:11 AM

I also have my own human struggle. What is struggle? What appears to be a bottomless pit of black darkness, is but a stepping stone to shifting realities. Shifting in every moment is our constant nature of being. Not every moment that we shift into is pleasant, but neither do we need to remain standing on one step. Every action determines the direction we will step next. Choose your hand carefully, with your heart in mind. Cards of hearts will never loose the game, bluffing your way through the game will only get you so far, as long as those around you fold out of fear. But as soon as the fear of loosing is overcome one become unstoppable. That's why some can easily bluff, showing no fear. But can you actually be fearless without waring a mask to hide your true nature. It's a high energy that wins every time, not a low energy. High energy attracts all the winning cards. I played poker online and that's what I noticed also in life. I have only won when I had high positive energy without any fear. Feel the power, know the power, that you are.


Nov 03 at 03:07 PM

As soon as I watched on YouTube many years ago about starseeds, lightworkers, ufos and everything that they talk about on unifyd and, I knew right away that it was true and I felt excited. I wanted to expirence for example seeing ufos, channeling beings and fully awakening my full potential. I never felt like I am human or like I am from earth. I felt like I had forgotten who I truly was and where I came from. I don't even feel like I recognize my self when I look in the mirror. It's not easy as an evolved spiritual being to lower one's own energy to be projected into a physical body for the purpose of evolving the human dna and density to reflect more of the true spirit self. We in truth have the power to fly, it's about transforming the physical body to become less physical and more spiritual. Negative energy makes you more dence and heavy. If you are in the vibration of love and joy then you will naturally feel lighter and more spiritual. You can shift density, that's why munks that are mostly in the gamma state or higher can levitate and live much longer lives. Remember your body is a vessel, the vessel can change reflecting what you are on a soul level. That's why it's important to only eat food that help us reach a higher density or vibration. Remember the heart knows. It is true we all have the same powers and can all expirence magical lives. For someone that is not ready to know will be traumatized by the altered reality that is forced upon them. But at this point everyone is pushed to some degree to face the inner truth within them that they have the need to change something in their life that would trigger an awaking. We all trigger each other to shift. If you are awakened or in the process of becoming more aware of your self and you walk around with a higher energy you will naturally shift those around you with a lower energy to be triggered to also shift their energy to a higher state. If enough people rise on the earth with a gamma state energy then it will have a greater affect upon the earth for a greater number of people to reach that state soon after. That's why people that go through an awakening and raise their vibration often loose relationships and friendships that do not wish to awaken. Two energies that do not match can not be at the same place at the same time. It's like two different radio stations. You can not hear two radio stations at the same time on one radio. Once you shift your self and know your self, the world to which you see will shift and will be able to see the bigger picture. Listen to your heart, the answers will come when your ready. There are many levels to awakening. You can't skip a level. That's like skipping a grade in school.



Nov 01 at 10:50 PM

My little alter beside my bed.



Nov 01 at 10:44 PM

If you question yourself you doubt yourself, if you doubt yourself you don't trust your self, therefore you dont know yourself, listen to your heart that always knows you best.

Nov 01 at 10:34 PM

You are not empty or darkness. You are love and full of light. You are awareness/spirit/soul / all that is that flows into your physical body to have an expirence. You create in your life what you see in your mind, everything is a projection. Everything most move and flow always. Give and you will receive. But always from your heart. The act of giving love and helping others will make your heart feel loved in return. What you are feeling by feeling empty, is that you don't feel loved. You must first love your self, for others are a reflection of you, and you of them. Love all, including what's inside you. What you think about your self that you don't like love that too. Only by loving fully the good and the bad can change and healing come to the part that needs love and light.



Nov 01 at 11:22 AM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

Say this prayer every morning, night and any time you feel you need to. Its important to protect our energy field from negative people and those that wish to drain us. There are alot of energy vampires out there. Even family could possibly be in a low vibration. A friend told me about this prayer and I happen to find it on the internet. Even other prayers are good. Cho ku rei ( pronounced sho ku ray ) is the symbol in reiki of power and protection.



Oct 30 at 09:29 AM

I took the reiki level 2 yesterday. I was given symbols. I could sence where I needed to put my hands next. I also could pick up on what the spirit form close by was saying. I also had alot of energy in my upper body, that needed to be released. I felt really good afterwards. Later felt really irritated, like there was a heavy energy on me. I was told by my teacher that I am adjusting to a new vibration so I am sensing my releases. I guess being super sensitive to physical and energetic dirt is the price for taking reiki courses and being attuned. Even my families negative talk is like an energetic bomb that I feel. I also seem to have been giving my energy too much and absorbing other people's dirt. It's so important to have a protection against negative energy even in your own family. Between all the things I need to do, like working and taking an online course called Prevention and Intervention strategies- children's mental health, I am trying to find the energy to put order in my life and clean up surrounding. I am taking the course to help me be able to see my children. My aunt won't let me see them, makes all kinds of stupid demands. She has bashed my name, has even conned the system. Or rather convinced the system she follows their rules. She would think that everything on unifyd is crazy. She is narcissistic and gas lighted me before when I was living with her. It's still a sensitive subject to my heart. I was awakening while I was living with her, being very unaware of the fight between the system and awakened people. I was doing research about the truth about food and what causes illness. I learned alot. My aunt thought it was crazy I wanted to be vegan and wanted my kids to also be vegan. There was alot of confusion. I felt and thought like any soul/ spirit thinks, without knowing all the bad in humans. I couldn't understand what I was feeling and why. I am more aware, observing my surroundings, and seeing who is around me at any time I might feel something. Being 100% clean mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically is important to function in this dirty world contaminated by humans. There is no mask for this filth. It sticks to your energy field. Tools to help cleanse are very helpful. Meditation, yoga, eat organic raw fruits vegetables nuts and seeds, deep breath, be in nature, walk barefoot in nature sometimes, reiki, be around positive people, drink filtered water, clean out the air in the house, have plants in the house, Tai chi, read, write, listen to healing music, dance with spirit flowing to the music, exercise, bring movement to every part of yourself. Let go of resistance, let flow the energy of spirit where ever its ment to go. What you flow out will come back to you. Be a clear open channel for spirit to flow all of universe into this earth. Painting, or greeting art is another positive way to flow energy. Have faith, be positive, let go of worry and fear. Nothing can truly be taken away from you. We are all, one and together. This is but an illusion that needs to be awaken from. Burning sage is so good for clearing the energy, you can also have a candle for healing. Having a little dog as a pet is also very healing. Bring light and air into your home. Make your home your sanctuary. Keep learning ways to understand everything that is true.



Oct 28 at 02:58 PM

If I had enough knowledge to put in a novel that I could publish and make lots of money, there's no way I would allow someone else to get credit for my words. Maybe I do have alot of knowledge but it's hard to describe alot of things that I know. Reading other people's books actually helps to better understand what I already know and adds indepth words to describe everything. Alot of thing I do know that are good or healthy, but I don't know all the detailed benefits of many things. It's more like I know what to do, but not always I am given the reason why. It's more of a feeling of knowing.



Oct 28 at 01:04 PM

If money was never an issue, than what would you want. If you went into a store or a restaurant, and you look at the items for sale what do you want. What do you feel like. Don't think about whether If a meal costs $15, $20, or $30. At this point all meals start at $20 on average. Relieze by not buying what you want because of fear of the price tag, you limit your self telling the universe you don't have enough there for will never have enough. I buy what ever food I want. Obviously if you run out then you can't buy more. But you can create more abundance, and more income that can come to you. You have to put the actions in order to work towards a job or many jobs that will bring you more abundance. Education and work expirence is very important to advance. I work as a lawn Maintenance forewoman. Every year I get a raise with more expirence, I am also learning renovation in the winter, I also registered my own business name. I work toward a greater income. Also taking reiki course, I already took reiki level 1, and taking reiki level 2 course tomorrow.