Amanda Cossu

Aurora, Canada

Oct 26 at 10:54 PM

It worked same as any frequency music. I listened while doing reiki on my self. After I fell asleep. So I don't know. I think I would need to listen on a regular basis to notice a difference. I also do other things to raise my energy, to a higher frequency. I also get ringing in my ears or I hear frequency sounds. I hear energy. I also feel energy through me and in my hands. It's important for me to be mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually clean, I am sensitive to my environment.


Oct 25 at 10:25 PM

I love to write, and I love to share what I write. I have been writing for two years now. I save what I write on word document. One day I am going to publish a book. I am an open book. All my thoughts and feeling are in the open. I am always shifting. I perceive thing differently all the time. I always reflect on my life and what I need to do in every moment. My focus has improved greatly since the two years. I write as if the who universe is listening to me, or reading what I write, and the whole universe is my friend or family. I am talking to my self. The whole universe is a refection of me that I flow within every vessel. Take off the mask, pretend your body is invisible, then what do you have, soul/ spirit /free energy/ light/awareness/woo woo your a ghost behind the body suit, a ghost can fly. Fly little ghost, it's Halloween soon 🤪. That would be so fun if you could go into the 5th dimension then reappear in the 3rd dimension behind someone and scare them 😱. We have that power to thats how time travel works by highering your awareness to the 5th dimension or higher, to the point where there is no time. You have to be 100% mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically clean including being educated on how to. I don't know how don't ask me. It's like humanity is in JK level for the whole life span. I love to be funny, silly, make jokes. Take life as an upside down roller-coaster. Hello, a woman's period, and emotional swings or slides, it's easier to go down then walk back up the ladder of hormonal balance. Or the hardship of working all the time, while getting little pay. Mean while everything is costing more than double what pay provides. Then when you want to charge more money for your own business, clients don't have more money. There is no balance with this world. Another reason I write to the world is that I have no friends. I tried to make friends. I always try to talk to people. Easy said then done. Everyone is busy with getting by and their own life struggles. I am a lonely girl sometimes. I know the universe can hear my thoughts. The universe is telepathic. I always think someone out there is laughing at my thoughts.


Commented on My code

Oct 25 at 09:50 PM

I am a very caring person. From my own expirence it closes the throat chakra when you feel not free or safe to be open to flow your real self. I rather speak the truth. Then be something I am not. It's not right to lie or hide who someone is or what they believe. I will not live in fear either. I will be what I was born to be and I will show it. Watch David Icke or even Jason shurka, their both good. Also there is I don't agree to keep the truth hidden any longer. The codes should come out, what ever they are for. If not by Ray then someone else should give the knowledge to set the world free. We need to fully awaken, everyone on earth. When a child doesn't want to wake up in the morning to go to school. Do you let them sleep in no. All of humanity are like children to the rest of the universe. We must wake up and learn how to create and how to use are God given powers. What ever I know, I will tell the people for free. I want humanity to wake up that's what I want.



Oct 25 at 08:16 PM

As every cell in our body is a copy of our entire body. Every human is a copy of the whole universe, multiverse, the whole of creation. Every information that exists within the universe is within every cell of our body, in every dna within us. The codes are energetically stored within our dna. Why do hospitals and doctors take so much blood from people, more than they need. I think scientists are trying to crack the code within our dna. But they can't. The code is in the spirit realm. Its the code of life, the code of God, the code of creation, only by fully awakening can we see the code within. Mathematically the code is also hidden within pyramids, in the energy spiritual higher dimensions, maybe 5th dimension. This thought came to me. Humans don't have every Mathematical dimensions of the pyramids, there are still hidden rooms undiscovered. The same power that the pyramids have, we have. We are also able to travel through time, or have superpowers if our dna is fully awaken. It's through mental image and being fully connected within our selves and with the whole of the field. Any thoughts. Anything I am saying right? We have to realize there is no box to stop our thinking, just one we believe there is.


Oct 24 at 07:36 PM

Sometimes people that have a struggle seeing their own awakening or greatness also are blind from seeing others right infront of them that have achieved greatness. There is no point in fighting or trying to make them see your point of view. Silence and no action is the best action and reaction. Even if they think something is important when really it's not. Explaining doesn't always help. People that are ready will be open to seeing the truth right infront of them. A persons perception can be deluded.



Oct 24 at 02:28 PM

I am love, I am happy, I am abundant, I am healthy, I am strong, I am courageous, I am focused, I am determined, I am powerful, I am wise, I am intelligent, I an expanding, I am inspired, I am creative, I am good, I am truthful, I am my true self, I am aware, I am eternal, I am blessed, I am grateful, I am worthy, I am confident, I am kind, I am caring, I am unique, I am beautiful, I am capable, I am free, I am knowing, I am energetic, I am successful, I am passionate, I am friendly. Thank you for all that I am.


Oct 23 at 02:06 PM

Akhi Shomer I know your right, how do I know that, I feel it. How do you know that your right, the truth knowledge come to you, you feel it to be true. It's a reminder what already is know within all that are awakening.


Oct 23 at 02:01 PM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

On canvas with acrylic.


Oct 23 at 01:43 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

I have painted on canvas what always flows through my physical body, spirit, the universe, the true me in colour.



Oct 23 at 01:36 PM

I finished reading the pyramid code. I can tell that alot of information is still being held back. It's not healthy to feel like you can't be fully open for the full self to completely come out in the open. Weither people are ready or not I don't care. I will embody my full self, full spirit, full soul, flowing fully without fear into this life for all to see and feel the immense power of love that is within me. That I am. I have no teacher to train me. I train myself, I already know within my self what I need to do. I have this inner knowing, I am connected to the field, connected to God, connected to my fully awaken higher self, connected to love, connected to all. I feel I am divine, I feel my dna has the codes that awakens me. I am connected to spirit guides, angels being that want to help me on my journey. I also feel that their are negative evil forces that wants to stop me in the past from fully stepping into my power. The keys, the knowledge, the codes are with every soul/ spirit/dna. We are not from this earth, even being born in a human form we change the dna of the human body to match the dna of the soul/ spirit. As above so below as within so without. What does this mean. Our human body is an equal likeness to what our soul/ spirit is. What you are within both on a soul and physical level will be equal to what you see in your life. Love above, love below, love within, love without. You have to change on a soul level, in order to change on a physical level, everything that you are mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually has to change in a more clean, loving and positive way inorder to affect a real change within the world. Love, forgive, be grateful, most of all know yourself. We are all aliens expirencing being born in a human body inorder to heal and awaken people on earth. People that are starseeds, light workers, their souls don't originate from earth. So we still hold magical powers that we can flow through the physical form once realizing our true origin. Plus the mix of alien dna with human dna long time ago still holds power if we connect the two powers, both spiritual and physical to become one. On another note becoming more spiritual and less physical. Becoming lighter, we are already light, letting go of what makes us heavy. Connect our mind, heart, body and spirit together. If you truly find your power then no one has the power over you.