
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 17 at 12:07 PM

A link that AI hallucinated for me out of Disclosure 4: https://mooji.org/mooji

Jan 17 at 11:05 AM

I find out that if you are interacting with someone on the love wavelength, telepathy just happens naturally. I've seen that over and over.

I am sure one can be trained to make it routine and a natural part of life, but for lack of that, here my first observation. Let's try relating to all the people on the level of love. If they respond in kind, telepathy and other such communication just happens.

Loving and respecting the Divine is similar, results in a 2-way communication...

Jan 17 at 12:40 AM

As far as I am concerned, I am already in the company of virtuous and elevated men like Abraham, Jesus, etc. even while still here on the earth, so I don't see why when I die (if I do die physically indeed), anything should change and all of the sudden should not be in their company any longer. I strongly doubt I will need to re-incarnate. I expect I go straight to where they are, wherever that is.


Jan 17 at 12:34 AM

So, if you do not go into the tunnel, you stick around on the earth as a ghost?

The Bible seems to indicate that the virtuous souls are taken possession of by the good angels. "[Lazarus] died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side." Basically, Lazarus was carried by the angels to where his ancestor Abraham (another virtuous man) was.

Replied on The Great Awakening

Jan 16 at 09:18 PM

In Hebrew Bibles, Joshua the book is put together with the rest of the prophets. That's why Septuagint calls Joshua the book, Iesus Navi. Navi is from Hebrew and it means Prophet.

There is so much misinformation on the Internet about these simple facts I posted above.


Replied on The Great Awakening

Jan 16 at 09:07 PM

Brandon, Jesus comes from Hebrew, in Hebrew is Yehoshua. That comes into Aramaic as Yeshua. That comes into Greek as Iesous. From there into English comes as Jesus. In Hebrew Yehoshua means 'YHWH saves'. That's why is says: "She shall call his name Jesus, because He shall save his people from their sin". YHWH from the OT = YHWH from NT = YHWH manifested in human body = Yehoshua = Jesus.

Yeshua without taking the Greek detour, comes into English as Joshua. See the connection?

In some Bibles, Joshua is called Jesus Navi = Jesus the Prophet. Because they translate from Septuagint, which is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible.

Jesus and Joshua is exactly the same name, going back to the originals. So Jesus as boy in Israel had exactly the same name as the person we call Joshua in English.

YHWH is just a transliteration from Hebrew into English of how God is named in Hebrew in the OT.

By the way, you message is very inspiring. Thank you for posting it.


Jan 16 at 03:33 PM

Might want to try Dr. Ardis recommendation about using nicotine patches or nicotine gum. There are multiple videos on the subject posted at UNIFYD TV. The one that got me is this one: The ANTIDOTE (unifyd.tv)

As insane as it may sound, in my case, ear related problems (ringing, reduced hearing, etc.) went away after chewing nicotine gum for about 2-3 days. But I have to continue with it, it's not like you do it once and it goes away for good.

I hope you find it helpful too. I never knew before how debilitating such a seemingly minor thing could be. It's drives you nuts.


Jan 15 at 11:55 PM

Katherine Lampley Welcome!

I would start browsing https://unifyd.tv/catalog . Disclosure and related Disclosure Q&A might be a good place to start. 

Be advised that the catalog has very wide range of topics and world views, not necessarily endorsed by TLS or anybody. Personally, I do not agree with some of the stuff posted; but if you learn to navigate your way around, you could find some pretty cool stuff that may help enlarge your horizon.

Have fun!


Jan 15 at 11:38 PM

I have not posted further on EES sessions because my plan is to do instead of weekly sessions, a 1 night long once a month. Let's see how that goes.

Jan 15 at 02:20 AM

999 Jesus and religion, has nothing to do with each other.

He is a real person; religion is made up crap by people who have nothing better to do.

He is highly elevated, way up there next to God, the source. And he is in charge of this material Universe we see around. And He so much in oneness with the Source (the Father), that when you pray to Him is pretty much the same as if praying to the Source Himself. That's why in the NT you see, somewhat like a confusion. Sometimes they pray to the Father, sometimes to Jesus. They are one!