
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 13 at 09:28 PM

999 Well to me calling the source of all good, our Father who created us and reveals Himself to us through nature and holy messengers whose messages are captured in Holy Scriptures; calling Him basically evil and in service to some dinosaurs that He created, that is an expression of that lack of reverence that we were talking about earlier. Luckily, we are not under Islam rule yet, so you can freely express all sorts of ideas, even some that would be deemed blasphemous in such a society.

But calling the Source of all good, calling Him evil, I'd say it's quite a mess-up.

Reverence of God is just "the beginning" of wisdom. Is just the beginning of the road to wisdom. Until we get there, we are not even at the beginning.

We are getting into some quite messy stuff here, so I'd rather stop this discussion.

Jan 13 at 05:34 PM

999 Possibly a better word is "reverence". But anyway, it is not much use in talking theories. When you are in the presence of a very powerful being, you are not fooling around and taking in lightly, for sure. There are beings who could transit you to the other side in an instant, just with a thought. I'll tell, around such beings you do not fool around, like hey buddy, what's up :-).

Jan 13 at 04:26 PM

Click on 'I'll be there' iirc. So there is one more click to do on that countdown screen.

Jan 13 at 03:06 PM

999 Adam is our forefather, from whom all that we call human being come. He is the head of a race, the human race. At some point the Elohim, the divine beings together with the Source decided to create a new race of beings. That's Adam, and from him us. At some point though some of the B'ne Elohim decided to mess up with the beautiful girls of the earth. It would seem that since then, we are no longer just "pure" human beings, but a mix with other non-human races. 

Jan 13 at 02:59 PM

999 In my understanding Lucifer = Satan. It is also called Lucifer because he is an extremely beautiful being of light. But he decided to go against the decisions of the Divine Counsel and as such he is now an opposer to everything the good guys do. It seems, in his mind and that of his followers, that they think they are the good guys. In the light of the Bible, he is very much a real being as you and I. Just that way more powerful, beautiful, etc. Amongst the most powerful and intelligent entities in the Universe, way up there close to God. It is prophesied a time is coming when all this power is taken away from him. I believe we are to pray to the Source for that time to come soon. As long as he is free to roam the earth, it will be difficult for that new age of love, truth, peace, light to come into being. 

Jan 13 at 02:41 PM

999 I agree. And less of the commie/marxist propaganda like exemplified by Zeitgeist. Gosh I had to endure for almost half of my life that non-sense exemplified by the first part of that movie.  That's what they kept on telling us almost every hour in school, nothing about the Bible is real, Moises not real, David, Solomon and the whole Jewish history captured in the Bible is just myths. Jesus never existed, everything made up. And now I sit down to enjoy a new release and have to endure the communist propaganda again, this time coming from none other but UNIFYD TV.


Jan 13 at 11:04 AM

999 it is already on the platform. Together with interviews about it and other subjects discussed with Mr. Wallis

Jan 13 at 10:53 AM

999 Fear is not the right word, but I am in lack of a better word. It's more like being in the presence of kingship, awesomeness, reverence for somebody powerful beyond comprehension. I dwelt on this kind of 'fear' concept for years until I started to grasp some of it. Because I also had the kind of religeous fear that you think I am talking about. That is very destructive and it keeps you chained and not able to flourish spiritually. I will ponder and see if I can come up with a better word. Again I am talking about realities here, not religion. When holy people have profound experiences with the divine, or even very advanced entities, they have that kind of 'fear' I am talking about. They may fall powerless to the ground, even be physically affected for weeks after. Realities not theology/religion.


Jan 13 at 02:41 AM

Hopefully I got you right, and you trully ask for help. Feel free to ask clarifications if interested. Some of what you posted I dont fully understand.

Jan 13 at 01:30 AM

I wonder if that is the correct way of viewing it. The way I see it, based on experience, you could go up and up but also down and down. That's why taking the down path is very dangerous. You might end up never ever recovering from it.

Rabbi AA talks about a land of darkness, a Black Light, and Ray also seems to mention that some people are no longer allowed to incarnate. They basically filled up a measure of wickedness, from which there is no return. Scary, but there is a reason why a very wise guy said, "Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom". It's a healthy dose of fear and reverence, it is wisdom. To make sure you don't get to that level of depravity where Source says, enough, you will no longer be allowed to pollute my Universe. At least that's how I understand it at this time. I asked for clarification from TLS/Ray about what are they talking about with Land of Darkness, Black Light, etc. let's see if they will elaborate.