
Chicago, IL, United States

Dec 03 at 08:12 PM

Had that question too (never watched the Matrix movie yet but based on how I hear the phrase used). I am guessing she meant to say red, although that could have been caught up in editing.

Dec 03 at 07:28 PM

Hi Tierra Sump ,

I was asking about something like that too. Personally, I am not aware of anything besides these forums.  I posted some stuff here, but experience has not been that great, in my opinion.

E.g. people who have not even looked at the documents, start posting their opinions and providing answers, without even having any idea what the documents are about. Also, nobody with more experience in these areas, who might be able to provide some direction, clarification seems to be around.  

I was thinking those of us really interested in say, ROL could maybe create some kind of group somewhere where that is possible and have more focused discussions. It's difficult to keep a focused discussion here, because of the limits of the software in use, I think. Your posts can get lost among many others which may have a different focus, notification system for new posts or comments seem very unreliable, etc.

Thoughts, interest to start such focused group somewhere?


Dec 03 at 06:35 PM

For what is worth, for all the material used in this page that is copyrighted, I have written permission to use.

Dec 03 at 02:50 PM

VANDORN HINNANT could please provide some context? I don't know who she is and it seems that she is assuming audience has already some familiarity with the subject?


Dec 02 at 02:21 PM

Especially today, isn't it?

Dec 02 at 11:23 AM

You are writing comments, so that means you are already logged in. Is that what you are asking about? It is not clear what you mean, at least to me. 

Dec 02 at 09:24 AM

Now that I think about it, I remember seeing this kind of stuff rather commonly in our little corn garden, when growing up.

Dec 02 at 09:22 AM

I think it's cross-fertilization. From another corn plant that has different characteristics. The wind can blow the pollen (plant sperm cells) from another plant that produces corn with that different pattern. Usually, the corn plant would get fertilized with its own pollen, falling from the most top part of the plant.

But don't quote me on it, it's just what I remember from decades ago, while in school.

Dec 02 at 07:59 AM

He/Jason keeps on repeating that basically they will never do something like that for show only. They would use, they say, their more unusual abilities in the context of given mission only. 

It is implied that some didn't follow this "restriction" and there was price to pay, like the ability being taken away or some kind of form of punishment being levied. So, people learn quickly.

Dec 01 at 05:45 PM

I heard Jason mentioning in the past, that's the way to get deals like the one happening now, if you are already a member. You cancel membership, get refunded, and re-start membership again, and current deal takes effect.

It has worked for me in the past. I HAVE NO affiliation with UNIFYD, besides being a member like the rest of you. So obviously I cannot guarantee anything to anybody. I can only say it has worked for me in the past. For the current deal, I don't feel like doing that again.