
Chicago, IL, United States

Nov 30 at 06:22 PM

3Caleb6Reeves9 In ROL, Rabbi AA says that the message of the Torah was brought not only with the help of ETs (angels in the Bible lingo) but also the Eternal Light (Light without End), Holy Light and Divine Spirit (Shekinah). Basically, the Creator, the Source Himself was involved directly in delivering that message. As such it has applicability and there is something to learn from it by ALL intelligent beings in the Universe.  In that respect it has higher precedence over all other channelings, books, and what not. And all of those must be measured and analyzed in the light of the Torah. 

The Tanakh also shows that as amazing and advanced as these beings are, they are not absolutely without fault. The Creator can still find error in them. Basically, while they are very much in tune with God, they are still not God. As such we need to take what they say critically, because they don't know all there is to know. They are still on a path of advancement themselves.


Nov 30 at 02:57 PM

I vaguely remember reading that Rabbi AA does every unusual feat thorough the Source alone. I have to double check, to be sure.  Not that any other helper is not legit, or it does not work, but I think that's the higher ideal. 

Nov 30 at 02:52 PM

I believe the message that was brought by Moses and the Prophets (Torah and Nevi'im), Jesus and his close circle (NT) was not for humans only...

Meaning that those advanced beings have something to learn from it too. As advanced as they may be. And Rabbi AA and TLS, if I understand them right, hold to that belief as well.  

I listened to all that was posted on UNIFYD in relation to the subject you mentioned.  Everything.

Nov 30 at 12:32 PM

I am thinking the Creator wants us to have this kind of closeness and dependance on Him Alone, in the end.

I think that was one of the new revelations that Jesus and his immediate circle brought to the world. It was fine up to now, they would say, but going forward let's elevate ourselves by focusing on the Source Himself. 

There was a time in my life when I was more focused, and I could banish headaches instantly in me (and others too in some cases), through focus on the Creator.  I was kind of disappointed though, that it seemed I was not able to do more than headaches :-) 


Nov 30 at 12:17 PM

Yet, many times, fellow people who are seriously interested in knowing God are found in religious circles...

Nov 30 at 12:15 PM

In my personal experience, many times religions can be the greatest barrier to knowing God....

Nov 29 at 11:15 AM

Never getting boring 3Caleb6Reeves9  isn't it? 

Nov 29 at 11:04 AM

We are close to the long awaited "age of Messiah"?  Although it was us, we've been waiting for, so that this age would be able to finally come into being?

In the past when evil was getting worse and worse, people started asking for help. Maybe we are in a similar situation now? But the harder the evil pushes, the more people wake up? And start asking for help? I know I certainly do, maybe I am not alone. 

Nov 29 at 10:02 AM

3Caleb6Reeves9 thank you so much for your inspiring posts. Gosh, why did it take me so long to just begin to understand such basic stuff. Of course, LOVE is the base from which everything flows.  The whole Universe screams LOVE.  If we don't build on LOVE we build on sand, no matter how impressive and miraculous stuff we may or may not be able to do. How many times did I read 1 Cor 13 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%2013&version=ESV) and still not get it? How many times did I get the answer to my questions but did not want to hear it?

I am so impressed with you younger ones; you just get it right away.  Something must have shifted indeed. Look at Jason, look at you (if your profile pic is current) and so many other like you.

Thank you, brother!


Nov 29 at 12:27 AM

No way, totally different speech cadence, etc.

That said, if you use an AI based software to obfuscate somebody's voice, you can make it such that it sounds nothing at all like the original person. Can change not only the voice, but also the speech patterns, etc.

In the end, you can in no way tie it back to how the real person speaks and sounds. You can even make it use the sound and have the speech patterns of another real person.

I am pretty sure Jason has the knowhow and resources to totally obfuscate. With the tools available these days, it's trivial.