Megan S

Dec 05 at 12:17 PM

Absolutely, I don’t disagree. We’re already in WW3. We’re not as far off as you think ❤️


Dec 05 at 11:27 AM

Akhi I definitely agree that there is evil at play when it comes to this topic (in the old earth timeline); I just choose to see a positive outcome for humanity from it in the new timeline / new earth.

We could call it gender harmonizing: preparing the generation of young people for a new earth without sexism and toxic societal norms; superficial and unhealthy expectations of what a man or woman should look/act like or what he/she should own in order to be masc/femme enough; patriarchal expectations of what women do with their own bodies; how thin, tall, hairless someone is makes it with or against the standard of beauty…

Imagine a world like that, where we don’t feel insecure and inadequate because we’ve been indictrinated into a society where one size does not fit all, and face judgment and criticism if we don’t, in fact, fit into that size.

Imagine a world where we unconditionally love ourselves and those we care about, bringing light and true inner beauty to all. True peace.


Dec 05 at 12:54 AM

Akhi that is what you are choosing to see. If our world is going to diverge then there has to be both polarities of each subject. It’s the side we choose to focus on that is the deciding factor of which timeline we are guiding ourselves into. That is what I wholly believe to be true.

To clarify, I’m not saying we are going to be both genders, physically; I’m saying we will all embrace our Devine masculine and feminine within equally so. We will still be born physically one or the other but will live our lives with the essence and characteristics of both in balance, in order to live in complete harmony with self.

Can you clarify what you mean in your second paragraph? Are you saying that David Icke is evil or are you saying he’s one of the people saying these things?


Dec 04 at 01:04 PM

I had an intuitive download saying all of this a couple weeks ago. It’s about choosing a timeline. We go where we focus our attention: seeing the negative purposes instead of the positive outcomes for the perceived negative events happening in the world today and past, keeps us in old earth timeline. But embracing the opposite lets us heal and grow and live in the new earth timeline.

For example: take the gender neutrality in schools subject; is it because of evil satanic leaders want to sexualize children? Or is it because in the new earth, men and women will embrace both masculine and feminine sides of themselves equally to live in perfect harmony with self?

It’s all in the perspective. We choose.

Replied on ♥️💫

Nov 30 at 02:09 PM

It gets easier. I’ve pretty much got it down now after being around too many narcissists in my past lol. I’ve learned to hold myself high with my higher self.

Having empathy is by no means being gullible, once you learn what it really is, and how to use it to understand instead of over-give. Empathy is not the thing that makes us gullible—not having enough empathy for ourselves is what allows our intuition to be pushed aside, in favour of helping someone who doesn’t deserve it. Help yourself energetically first. It’s important to have enough energy to be able to help, while still having enough to help ourselves.

Then absorbing becomes observing because the self is loved first and able to be of more assistance when needed.


Commented on ♥️💫

Nov 30 at 01:33 PM

Easier said than done 😬😅

Nov 30 at 01:15 PM

The information he is giving is what has value. I don’t see how pointing out something that one doesn’t like is necessary in this case, but I respect that everyone has their opinions.

I believe they chose her for the reason of her being skeptical—to add more credibility for the other skeptics watching. If they see her, a skeptic, starting to believe it then they’re more likely to believe it too.

Honestly, I would be overflowing with questions too, if I was hearing this information for the first time. It’s not everyday you hear of this kind of thing lol.

Nov 30 at 01:02 PM

They did this on purpose (get a skeptic to be the interviewer), because it holds more weight if you can turn someone who thinks it’s bullshit into a believer. Which she is in the end.

Also, if someone who fully believed everything already was the one asking questions, they wouldn’t be asking what other skeptics need to know in order to convince them of the truth. If that makes sense.
