
Chicago, IL, United States

Oct 23 at 04:28 PM

In one of the 2 released docs by "Ray", it says Rabbi AA went to Pyramid Star, at age of 424.

Years later, in interviews, other books, etc. Rabbi AA, is still shown as active on earth, and incredibly still at the age of 424!

Oct 23 at 03:50 PM

It is great that "Ray" feels comfortable enough, to be more of himself. Still, and a I think I am in agreement with Rabbi AA here, could we please use less of the foul language, please? It's like darts going into one's heart, if the defenses are not up.

Oct 23 at 03:07 PM

Any connection between Rabbi Eliezer Alfrandi and Alfandari? It seems we are talking about just a consonant swap here.

Oct 23 at 03:01 PM

How did Garden of Eden survive the Great Flood?

Oct 23 at 03:00 PM

It seems codes will be available in Hebrew only. In preparation for that, I totally want to learn Hebrew. As a first step, we could have an Hebrew/English Interliniar of Rays of Light. Could I have permission to create such an Interliniar. Could I get some help with it, maybe by getting the Word doc sources?


Oct 23 at 02:52 PM

I would like us to start a study group to go deeper into Rays of Light and then Pyramid Code. Could we get somebody from Ray's circles to guide us?


Oct 23 at 02:50 PM

Where is Rabbi AA now and how old is he, as a human being?

Oct 23 at 01:39 PM

If I may add, from my own experience, you certainly get "noticed" when you move on the spiritual plane. Unfortunately, by the opposing side too, which, unfortunately kind of dumped a little my enthusiasm for going deeper.

At this stage it is very clear to me, the level you are at, is the level you really want to be at. You are at the level you are really willing to pay the price to be at.

But again, no direct connection to TLS, Ray, etc. so take it as you may.

Oct 23 at 12:01 PM

I believe, once we put in practice, what asked in say, "Ray's of Light", you become automatically "known" to the observers/watchers that we normally do not see. Although I feel as if I known Rabbi AA since for ever, I have no known direct connection to TLS, so this is just a guess, from my end.

I strongly believe if I put in practice, and burn with love, truth, peace, faith, compasion daily, it would come naturally to "discover" others who live the same.

Commented on Foul Language

Oct 22 at 11:20 AM

I am "preaching" to me first, here