♡999♡ I never said that about Jason, I just gave it as an example of an extra "witness" to what I am saying. I don't believe everything Jason says it's absolute true. For example, Satan is the god of this world, it's a real being that many of the elites serve and obey strictly. Jason, at least lately, would seem to indicate that he is just some kind of projection or our own minds, or something like that. In that, I think even Jason's Rabbi AA disagrees. He talks about a Black Light, which as far as I can glean from what's been published in RoL, fits the Satan bill. Rabbi AA also talks about the existence of evil spirits that can deceive and draw us down, and he even admonishes Ray to be mindful not to fall under their influence.
I do agree that these negative entities are restricted geographically to earth, as sphere of influence. Satan is the god of this world, meaning the earth, as far as I understand at this stage in my growth. And he is the boss of all these negative entities.
Replied on Dear diary
Jan 29 at 01:08 PM
♡999♡ Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible. He is hypothesized to have lived about 3,500 years ago. Egypt at the time was a center of knowledge and civilization. Torah says he learned all the "wisdom of Egypt". Torah shows that he got direct help from ETs (angels) and the Source Himself. Plus, he had access to all the cosmic knowledge available at that time in Egypt. Note that when he (rather his brother Aaron) changes a staff into a serpent, the magicians of Egypt were able to do that too. How many scientists you know today that are able to do that?...
So, what Moses wrote it's not something that came out of nowhere only at that time. It's probably more of synthesis of some of the existing knowledge + plus new info that got via the ETs and Source Himself.