
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 28 at 12:12 PM

Milan Jus I was target of Black Magic with the clear intent to be eliminated physically (killed). The guy was boasting he took out whomever he wanted before, so he was rather confident it will work in my case too. So, I may have a little bit of taste of what you are talking about...

I will say what worked in my case. It is very simple, although it does involve serious spiritual struggle to stand in faith and believe that Jesus indeed is most powerful, higher than any other power of evil in the whole Universe. I just called on Jesus for help. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! But even that was difficult, it was a serious struggle to not give in to fear and to not doubt the power of Jesus over that evil. No magic formula, no rituals, no paying to shameless mediums, just simple crying out to Jesus for help. That worked for me. I am still alive decades later, the guy unfortunately died himself of a heart attack. I have no idea if it was just coincidence, as I didn't wish any evil on him at all.


Jan 27 at 06:30 PM

I wonder if you could write it in your own language and then we will see about translating it ourselves. For me it is hard to fully understand what this is about.


Jan 27 at 09:40 AM

About importance of purity and living sober lives.

So, if we can't digest Jesus and his teaching, here's this Indian "guru" about the importance of living pure.

Now not everybody is called like him, to never marry and such. But still, notice how he finishes his message, which is addressed to everybody, married or not. Purity (holiness in Biblical terms) is a must when getting deeper into the spirit world. Otherwise, you might attract unclean/un-pure entities, the kind that "match" your lifestyle, if living un-pure.



Jan 27 at 09:25 AM

Jason's first interview about TLS

I listened to Jason's first afaik public interview, about TLS. Found here: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1100-the-best-of-coast-to-coas-18899828/episode/the-light-system-best-of-70613436/

Notice that he was asked in clear terms to not use alcohol, drugs or any other mind interfering substance. It is very important to live pure lives when getting deeper into this neck of the woods. Otherwise, who knows what kind of "ETs" you find yourself given your body to. 

He who has ears, let them hear.


Jan 27 at 09:13 AM

My EES overnight-er

So, I finally had my overnight session. Besides having to go use the bathroom a lot, nothing unusual noted this time.

Well, there was something somewhat unusual, my puppy had to use the bathroom a lot too. It is completely unusual for him to ask himself to go pee a couple of times during the night, especially that he was well exercised the prior day. So that somewhat fragmented my relaxation and sleep.

I also started to read the RoL again, and I keep on noticing more things that I haven't noticed before. For example, some years back, I was also woken up regularly for some good weeks at 2 am sharp to get my "lessons" from somebody. Ray was woken up at 3 am. But his 3am is actually my 2am so it's at the same time of the night. Interesting...

Jan 26 at 02:35 PM

I went through an experience where I was hit by a burst of energy (don't know how else to put it) and while that was happening, the way time flowed changed for me for a while, in the way that it was flowing way slower, and I could notice things that normally one would perceive as instant, just slowly transition. e.g. the clock on the computer screen changes instantly, right. Well, I could see the transition slowly changing from one minute to the next, like the pixels actually transitioning. Seems insane, but it was real. Time, it seems, is not the constant we believe it is.

I guess both in my case and in your case, it's one of those things, that who knows when/how we would get an understanding of what was going on...


Jan 26 at 11:51 AM

Jenn!@## H@!#$ You have no idea how much it means reminding me that we have a firm promise that no matter how much we mess up, or what not, the Creator (and our higher self?) won't allow us to go through more than we can bear.

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

Jan 25 at 12:07 PM

Jenn!@## H@!#$ I posted that just to show that we can overcome our past traumas. In my case, Torah/Bible had a huge part, that's why I keep on bringing it up, because I see it works in my case.

I was not in the services of US at the time. At least not directly. Practically I probably was, without even realizing it.

Jan 25 at 10:57 AM

Torah says that its own words provide healing.

I was in real war in my youth, with comrades dying around me, and many times just miraculously not being hit myself by bullets flying all around. We are talking about myriads of bullets just inches away. It took me a long time to at least be able not to hear their hissing sound anymore, every time I settled down for sleep.

Jan 25 at 10:44 AM

Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters. From the comments, it seems a lot of us are drawn attention to 22. Maybe little by little we can figure out what is going on.
