
Chicago, IL, United States

Nov 14 at 10:22 AM

Maybe one reason for not having one yet is because it has a LOT of blanked out sections. With that blanking out, it's hard to follow in many places, even with the written book.

Nov 13 at 02:04 AM

See here what I was thinking about, but using freely available Torah text (Sefaria): unifyd.tv/community/posts/learning-classical-hebrew-quickso-her

Bereshit - 1 (heblang.github.io)

Nov 13 at 02:00 AM

From the very beginning, I believed this was a cute photoshop, didn't think this was real. You confirmed that.  I believe this is a nice joke.


Nov 13 at 01:36 AM

Learning Classical Hebrew Quick

So here is a Proof of Concept about how one can quickly read and understand first verse from Torah. Click/Tap on a word to hear its pronunciation, or on the audio play. Let it loop while following the screen to make the connection between the spoken word and the written word. If transliteration is needed, select Translit. Initially you can select a slower speed until you learn to distinguish the sounds. 

I was able to read and understand a larger text in Aramaic rather quick with this method.  Non-English speakers have verified it on English as well.


Let me know if you find this useful. The desire is to add all the 5 books of Torah like that.

And maybe one day Torat HaPyramida (The Pyramid Code) as well, if licenses are changed to allow it.


Nov 12 at 01:16 PM

About the next step, learning to read and understand TPC in Hebrew. I needed to use both the text and the audio together. But there is a problem with audio being published on YouTube, I now find.

If one looks deeper into YouTube licensing, it turns out you are not allowed to create derivative works out of anything published on YouTube, unless the author specifically put that work under Creative Commons license. But that is not the case with the Audio of TPC published here: "The Pyramid Code" (Hebrew audiobook) - YouTube

So I am going to use Torah then for such endeavor.  I will post here when I have an illustrative page ready.


Nov 11 at 10:37 PM

Serena was saying that they were just halfway through the interview series. It sounded like they had a plan made ahead of time, of what to cover and for how long they wanted to go.

Long story short, it sounded like there should be another set of 3 parts to come.

Nov 11 at 08:34 PM

"Path of least resistance" = always take the easy way out?

Doesn't that go against the teachings of all the Greats of the past, who were killed, persecuted for doing exactly the opposite? Why were the prophets of the old killed and persecuted? Why was Jesus killed? Because he took "the path of least resistance"?

Nov 11 at 08:13 PM

Transcriptions of the video from: https://www.facebook.com/100073522780533/videos/224906196458072

Q: Is there any reason to avoid the mRNA vaccines that would be Moderna and Pfizer and any reason to avoid that?

A: You may create different reasons, you may have set up different reasons. Fundamentally, there are no reasons! It can represent a path of least resistance in physical terms to moving forward, but again, you have to make your own determinations. Because you have politicized all of these things, we cannot tell you what to do because we cannot intervene in your political decisions. But the idea is that fundamentally, aside from other situations and conditions you may have set up within yourself that would give you an actual reason to avoid this, then you have to remember you're the one creating the reasons to avoid the idea of taking advantage of what has been offered to you in physical terms as a path of least resistance. But again, we have to leave that up to you.


Nov 11 at 08:01 PM

I am sorry guys, but tell this to the millions who have been maimed or killed by the injections: 


Nov 11 at 01:07 PM

@Randi Racenstein

You say Bashar said to get vaccinated?  Can you point me to where is that said?