GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ

Holyhead, United Kingdom


mcS screenshot it.. your welcome to screenshot and share any and all of my posts..


Apr 02 at 04:21 AM

Kimberly welcome. I'm glad ypu made it here.. you will learn alot here.. mostly from yourself though. We are our greatest teachers.

Commented on So true.

Apr 02 at 04:20 AM

Yeah I agree with both of you.. I'm not sure if I'm just reading people's energy and frequencies or if I'm tapping into there minds but if someone has negative emotions or intentions towards me I can feel it within the first 5 seconds of being around them and it kinda sucks because I get alot of negativity and things such as, jealousy, hate and anger and I'm not sure what I even do for them to have these thoughts and emotions towards me.. it's like my spirit and there spirit don't vibe.. not sure why that it is.. but very rarely do I come across someone that can tolerate my reality with there's and I feel all this negativity and I consume it all and it gets really overwhelming and kinda discouraging.. especially when it's tge people that matter the most.. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ


Replied on So true.

Apr 02 at 04:00 AM

Sarah Dugan yeah I'm in the same boat your in.. sounds like you have a really interesting spirtual journey and you should definitely be grateful for a little spice in your life.. I also have spice in mine, spirtually speaking, and people like us see past the illusions of every sing narrative that's ever been created and we don't have to look for it to find it, it's just simply there. You probably get some damn good downloads traveling in tge dimensions you travel in.. I'd love to hear your experiences in those dimensions. I also travel in other dimensions through my sleep and sometimes my meditations.

Mar 31 at 01:51 PM

Cindy ghysel yeah most of what I share comes from downloads I have either randomly throughout the day or in my dreams and meditation although some comes from studying and learning.. it's a mix of the 3 fortune but I'm glad that you enjoy them.. it's good to know I'm sharing things with people and they get a postoperative reaction from it. I'm not wasting my energy or tome and that's really good to know.

Replied on Good read here.

Mar 31 at 01:46 PM

Cindy ghysel I'll have to check that out.

Mar 31 at 01:41 PM

Josh yeah you gotta find people who understand you.. Unifyd is definitely a place where you can connect to like-minded people.. there's tons and tons of groups out there though..Facebook and telegram have chats you can join as well.

Mar 31 at 01:32 PM

I think alot of our languages are actually black magic used against us unknowingly... but that's my opnion and view.

Mar 29 at 07:09 PM

Litl Magntosh I'll tell you a little secret on how to get past that money issue, I use to be a criminal, so I'm very optimistic on things like this lol but you can actually create a new Gmail which only takes a matter of 1ยฝ minutes to do, or you can simply use an old one, and after you've created a new Gmail or if you're going to use an old one you simply sign out of your current overdue payment subscriptions and then go back to signing up to the platform again as a new subscriber and follow the prompts to creating a new account and then you use this new Gmail to create an entirely new account, you can use the same debit card you've used on your overdue subscription, and there ypu have it, a week's free trial.. 7 days is better than no days .. I've done this with Gaia atleast 7-8 times. I've created dummy gmails and I've even used dummy debit anc credit cards as well to get the one week free trial until I was able to pay again for the initial 30 day sub again. And it's all legal.


Mar 29 at 07:02 PM

dEb fathertyme is..
