GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 26 at 05:57 PM

TODD ZITIN they're sure in the hell trying though

Apr 26 at 05:55 PM

And to your bright future comment.. sounds really good and nice but what's about to happen isn't going to be bright.. The system is broken, there is going to be chaos very soon, maybe after all the fighting killing and murdering is over, we will be able to move into the light you speak of. This also comes from extensive research and deep Divine consciousness meditations. Not just my opinion, but rather they keen knowing.. I wish everything was just light and love but it's not. And this 3D reality there is polarity. (Negative/Positive Good/Evil Hot/Cold Up/Down Left/Right Light/Darkness Love/Hate Life/Death) there cannot be one without the other. That is our reality and there is no escaping it. I'm afraid to say that darkness is creeping into existence. Destruction leads to a very rough road, but it also breeds creation. Cycles.. we exist in cycles. But I love your positivity. Again thank you for your comment and thank you for spreading light into the darkness.

Apr 26 at 05:48 PM

Brainwash work but like I said, I'm done posting stuff about it because all I've done is got negative feedback and misinterpretation of who I am and where I'm at in my life, but to your comment, I found my clarity and pretty much everything makes sense to me.. are you still wondering about everything? I used to wonder about everything but now I wonder about little, due to sufficient research because I have respect for myself and my reality as well as humanity. I hope you find your clarity my friend. Thanks for your kind comment. Love and light!! 💯 💜9⁹9💜


Apr 26 at 05:46 PM

As well but I get very emotional too because I know the truth and I want everyone to know what I know but people aren't ready for that type of awakening.. they've become comfortable and have accepted this falsehood of humanity as they sulk away into the abyss day in and day out never really knowing which way to go because everything is misleading and false. When you reach a level of CLARITY on that level you would understand the passion and emotion I put into my posts about this topic and subject. I literally get outcasted, cussed, called names for sharing this information. Do you know what brainwash and Indoctrination does on a social level?? It does exactly what Ive been experiencing the last couple months, in and indoctrinated brainwashed cult The way it works psychologically is that anybody that has any type of separate opinion or view from whatever the main narrative is will get attacked, outcasted, anger-filled interactions and destroyed. That is how indoctrination and


Apr 26 at 05:42 PM

So thank you for hoping that I find My clarity, that is sincerely humbling to me. Although I have found my clarity, and this was rather a rhetorical post/question as i already know the answer to the question as there is no more searching and finding "clarity".. All I'm trying to do is educate people, it's stressful though because of the power of Indoctrination and how it has completely guided our perceptions and reality into an abyss of fakery and deceptionalized illusions.. I hope you find your clarity, friend. I get emotional thinking about how people are so way off of the truth yet there trying to help humanity and there not even properly grounded into actual reality.. how can you help people from a false perception of reality?? It will just be guided into wrong answers with acute progress. I think I'm done sharing about flat earth. It's been a discouraging experience. All I do is challenge the community to do there research.. I can assure you you will come to my conclusions


Apr 26 at 05:33 PM

Posted four videos for you guys about that one initial video


Apr 26 at 05:32 PM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 how do I get a hold of them or do they need to get a hold of me?

Apr 26 at 05:32 PM

Michelle Cardenas absolutely, yes sign me up! Do you need my email? And yeah I'm not really too angry with the person because I don't think they even knew what they were talking about or what was going on so I shouldn't be angry with them but it is a little deeper than that with with facts that I've left out and that I will continue to leave out but yeah I just got to get rid of this thing or whatever the hell is going on because I should be way ahead of where I'm at right now and this has slowed me down tremendously.. before this thing entered into my reality I was booming with success, positivity, love friendship family and life.. after this thing came into my reality everything just got really dark and my emotions have basically been shut off since then with little spurts of openings whereas I can feel a little bit but this thing has really fucked with me bad.. I tried the changing the perception thing by not believing that it existed but it didn't work.

Apr 26 at 05:24 PM

I will certainly check that out. Thank you for the suggestion.. and the comment..

Apr 26 at 05:23 PM

sara where is Niagara??