GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Apr 13 at 01:01 AM

UNIFYD TV UNIFYD World so I have a really important question for you guys.. does that EESystem help draw out the harmful aspects if the covid vaccines?? Because since I got the second shot my thoughts have become different, in a bad way, my memory has gotten terrible, my taste buds have gone bland and I feel itchy all the time.. my hair is slowly receding now.. my emotions are hardly ever there and if they are there it's because I force them to be there or something extremely emotional has to happen for me to feel my feelings and I had none of these problems just over 8 months ago when I got those damn shots.. so my question is.. does the EESystem help with drawing our whatever craziness I theu put I to me.. I feel like it's evil in a syringe.. but I had someone tell me that the system could potentially draw out the vaccine.. so is that true or would I be wasting my time and money?



Apr 12 at 04:45 PM

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Who is to say which God's are real and whose to say which God's are false..?? If your ignorant enough to think that the American God can and is the only God then you are sadly mistaken my friend because in these cultures, which are very few, that I have shared, they believe wholeheartedly that these God's are there divine connection to the universe or to a higher power outside of thereselves and this is what they believe in.. other religions such as Christianity say that all other God's and religions are false and to denounce all of them and if you don't it's a sin and your going to hell.. so wait.. you mean to tell me that if someone worships or believes in something other than the main religion Narrative of God and Jesus Christ, but they have never committed a crime, a Christian sin, or hurt anybody at all, they are going to go to hell? So you mean to tell me that all these other gods are false and there is only one true God and that is through Jesus Christ and that's the only way they can not burn in a lake of fire? I don't know man, it just sounds really sketchy to me and it sounds really controlling and manipulative and logically ridiculous as well as spirtually ridiculous.. but that's just my intuition and my common sense as well as my intellectual capacity to understand things. It's brainwash, it's hogwash and it has been destroying and killing Humanity for thousands of years and it has kept us in a standstill single point of movement.spirtually, mentally and psychologically. As Ray gas said in the pyramid code..today most humans are 10% spirtual and 90% physical.. if religion is good then why havent wr really grown spirtually as a civilization. We should he moving mountans with our minds right now and we cant barealy move a 100 lb rock with our physical hands.. its hogwash man.. we gotta move away from it all.. Love is the only religion that we need.. โ™ฅ๏ธŽโนโนโนโ™ฅ๏ธŽ


Apr 12 at 07:40 AM

You wanna know why religion is garbage and is completely unethical and inhumane?? This is why..
So a 4 year old little girl gets molested and sexually abused by a priest or a pastor..(which has been happening for thousands of years) and she grows up not being a Christian or going to church or partaking in any type of Christian religion.. she's traumatized and damaged and her whole world was pretty much destroyed at the age of 4 and Christians or other groups will tell her, or anybody for that matter, that the girl is going to go to hell and burn in a lake of fire for eternity because she didn't believe in something that basically tore her apart and ruined her life or dedicate her spirit and life to serving "the one true God".. but the pastor/priest can go straight to the confession box or simply pray to his God in order to be forgiven and then raptured into heaven with no problem because any and all sins are forgivable so long as you comfess and repent or whatever there bullshit method of having limiting and fear based beliefs is.. idk, but what I do know is that if you are so simply minded to even begin to think this could possibly be a good thing or the right thing you may not be grounded into actual reality. Its mental enslavement and its garbage and It doesn't make logical sense to our true human nature and our true human orgins.. there are some gruesome stories and very evil stories in the Bible that reference straight to God and to Christians as a whole. I've been studying alternative perspectives on the matter and have come across some very disturbing things in my research. I'm coming to learn that the Bible is actually a book derived from many different books and deities that have absolutely nothing to do with the message that religion brings to the world and was actually created to mentally, psychologically and spiritually entrap you and basically suck your soul and have it reincarnate continuously in the same karmic state because religion limits yourself in an infinite amount of ways.. wake up! Stop being seperated and snared and entraped.. it's time to elevate and grow humanity.. not repeat the same cycles of war, death, hate and evil..And I'm not claiming that the entire Biblical book is garbage but I promise you it's not what they tell you it is and there is alot more thought into the entire message of the Bible in regards of mental human control. We've been tricked... there has been an estimated 80 million deaths from religion and its all over control, control of information and control of the human triad, mind, body and soul... All your prayers aren't going to the source you may think they are going to when you say Amen they are actually going to a deity which i will be writing a story on that whole subject next. I will be sharimg more on the topic though.. and i share because i care.. not to bash anyone, piss anyone off or make anyone feel stupid, uncomfortable or any type of negative feelings or emotions but simply to help the human race grow, see, and umderstand the true limitless we possess as humans. Love and light. I will have much more information on all this.. i found a very intersting source of information and it comes with receipts for everything... stay tuned. โ™ฅ๏ธŽโนโนโนโ™ฅ๏ธŽ



Apr 12 at 12:08 AM

Came across this verse in the Bible and what quite thrown off by what I read... the writer is referring to the God of the Christian Bible, stating this verse, and im not sure what it references to but tge words are definitely clear and I feel as if there's no way to mistaken what the writer, "Isaiah ben Amoz" was depicting in the book of Isaiah.. The christian God creates darkness and also creates evil.. I mean you really can't depict this verse any other way than exactly what it says.. no metaphors here just simply polarity when in fact Christians have this motto, God is good all the time" but clearly there message is false and not true because this verse amongst many many others I can show you that Christians might in fact be worshipping the Devil himself or a negative entity all together.. โนโนโน



Apr 09 at 05:09 AM



Apr 09 at 05:07 AM

Oh excuse me I have to go.. but hey, it was really nice meeting you.. I have to go chase lizard people through multidimensional realities.. but thanks for the cocktails..GOTTA GO!!! โนโนโน


Apr 09 at 05:05 AM

I think every time I try to find somebody with like-minded ideas and beliefs I start the conversation out by saying, "you're probably going to think I'm crazy but"... and then I dropped the atom bomb in either it goes way out in left field very badly or it goes very good and very positive but there is no in between with the interest and beliefs that I have developed spiritually and to be honest just plainly in an all-around Spectrum. I'm one healthy, weird and diverse, different unique and awesome person! And that I am sure of..



Apr 09 at 05:04 AM

Factzzzzzz.. I'm not supposed to be here!!!!! ๐Ÿ‘ฝโน๐Ÿ‘ฝโน๐Ÿ‘ฝโน๐Ÿ‘ฝ


Apr 09 at 05:04 AM

That's why we are all here.. not to do anything for anybody but rather to show each other how to become who we've always been.. we are reflections of one another and teach eachother how to shine, love and grow. You are here for you and I am here for me and I am here for you and you are here for me and we are here for them and they are here for us as well as she is here for him and ge is here for her then to she is here for her and her is there for she and he is here for him and him is here for he. We are here for eachother. Period.. LETS GROWWWW...!! ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ’ฆ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฎ๐Ÿ’ฆโš˜๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿ’ฆ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ’ฆ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ’ฆ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐ŸŒพ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿชด๐Ÿ’ฆ๐ŸŒฒ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ฆ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿชท๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž



Apr 09 at 04:56 AM

Wow.. that's crazy creepy and so true.