GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Apr 16 at 03:48 PM

Our life is what our thoughts make it is my fav bc we manifest our reality with our thoughts and intentions which is actually not easy but not hard at the same time. I guess that would make it challenging depending on your prior experiences and lessons. ⁹⁹⁹


Apr 15 at 05:07 PM

Regardless of the quality and authenticity of the video the Earth is definitely flatish and is not a globe but keep on being indoctrinated.. it's your reality so you experience it how you want to. The globe was created to spiritually crush our civilization which was first proposed by Pythagoras which is a Freemason and was deep into the cabal but tell me why his proposed globe theory didn't actually take effect for hundreds of years after he actually created the theory?? It wasn't until the 1960s until they all of a sudden changed everything to a globe and you can ask any 100-year-old person on the Earth and they will tell you the same thing.. they were taught that the earth is flat.


Apr 15 at 04:03 PM

Differences all within a decade of each other.. 1950 the earth was flat and magically after NASA failed to penetrate the firmament they changed the text books to a globe model to continue to deceive and manipulate our civilization.. wake up


Apr 15 at 03:47 PM

Not sure how real this is and I would definitely question the authenticity of the footage but it is still badass as hell!


Apr 15 at 03:37 PM

Research this video I just shared and it will blow your fucking mind


Apr 15 at 03:32 PM

These days you actually never really know who your listening to on the TV..


Apr 15 at 11:15 AM

If daddy Elon says the earth is flat.. well, the earth is flat!!! He would know wouldn't he??



Apr 15 at 10:26 AM

The bible was written from many many other books and you are actually worshipping the energy of many different deities.. some now so loving and much darker than you may think. Spirituality is a solo self thing and your energy is as pure as you want it to be or let it be. Wake up.. religion was created to control the masses for political purposes as well as for financial gain. Mostly everything is a lie and I hate to burst your bubble but religion is the father of all lies.. they've been pimping people out like prostitutes for thousands of years and if you go against your pimp you get bitch smacked, and in the past murdered, raped and tortured. All we need to do is embrace our divine connection to everything and learn that everything is connected.. everything is love and everything is light. It's that simple.. ⁹⁹⁹



Apr 14 at 12:39 PM

Anyone who hasn't seen 3 Body Problem you absolutely have to watch it. It is insightful in so many different ways. I won't spoil it for you but this is an absolute must watch!



Apr 13 at 01:01 AM

UNIFYD TV UNIFYD World so I have a really important question for you guys.. does that EESystem help draw out the harmful aspects if the covid vaccines?? Because since I got the second shot my thoughts have become different, in a bad way, my memory has gotten terrible, my taste buds have gone bland and I feel itchy all the time.. my hair is slowly receding now.. my emotions are hardly ever there and if they are there it's because I force them to be there or something extremely emotional has to happen for me to feel my feelings and I had none of these problems just over 8 months ago when I got those damn shots.. so my question is.. does the EESystem help with drawing our whatever craziness I theu put I to me.. I feel like it's evil in a syringe.. but I had someone tell me that the system could potentially draw out the vaccine.. so is that true or would I be wasting my time and money?