bruce smith

Brewerton, NY, United States


Jun 11 at 10:43 AM

Had 2 passengers yesterday from Hawaii, I took to Cornell, Apparently there’s a 3 day summit about the “coming” Avian virus, someone supposed to be representing each state!


May 24 at 06:20 PM

Thanks, I see weather manipulation from upstate NY to Maine, the past few months of paying attention, sunny day, chem trails, appear, minutes later it becomes cloudy and windy, I try to keep my ears covered, been battling chest and ear illnesses,

Buy the milk before it goes to the store and is pasteurized, once pasteurized it loses all nutrients



Mar 04 at 08:32 PM

Ayahuasca, The 7 day retreat LOOKS WONDERFUL, AMAZING, not a fan of having to phone for  prices.

Mar 04 at 07:43 PM

WOW I had no idea, thanks for sharing


Feb 16 at 10:58 AM

UNIFYD TV Yes, people look at you like you have three heads when you say he who created the body heals the body!



Feb 15 at 09:35 PM

An Idea for the EESYSTEM & UNIFYD
Create a Unifyd, business card,
With a toll free number on it,
Something I or anyone can hand to another with a smile, a blessing, gratitude,
Many individuals not on computers
In wheel chairs or the medical Cabal,
Could simply call a number and an experienced individual could greet and explain and set them up with a center,
Transportation to and from?!!

Feb 15 at 09:06 PM

One “good” thing Governor Como did was release adoptees birth certificates, (IMO) ( the real reason he was ousted) or one of not heard, A hospital birth means your part of the Cabal from day ONE!, injected, poisoned, and who knows what else!

Commented on Dark Night of the Soul

Feb 09 at 05:57 AM

So to clarify, I don't remember time, I don't recognize stars, Comprehension skills are limited with childhood beatings or was it my chosen path, I'm learning with you Danielle, I must listen multiple times to get it, I did the TR transformation , seems like yesterday couple weeks ago,   liking, breathing,  accepting, trusting are huge, I turned every light on 20 years ago lit candles, drove around in circles, currently live in 500' sq ft space, less is more, and more is less, 30 years ago I learned with Sylvia Browne! I'm An Open minded Uber driver around upstate NY  formally bought and sold antiques and decorations, Thank You Danielle Bruce 
