Debi J Tess

Newton, KS, United States

Jan 26 at 08:52 PM

999 Yes Baby! I'm in! They communicate via telepathy and they read energy so they know my intentions are excitement and inquisitive! I know the beings from other planets are here monitoring us and only have good intentions. It's the gov that's in the way of us all being besties! It's sad....

Jan 26 at 08:49 PM

Ace Manning I'm in Newton, my mom's Manning side is all in North Carolina....


Jan 26 at 08:49 PM

Cassandra Valles KANSAS!!! I'm in Newton


Jan 24 at 11:24 AM

Hey Ace! I'm in SC KS and my mom's father's side is all Mannings! So hi!


Jan 14 at 10:02 PM

💯 I want to be friends! Learn about them, embrace them. Answer any questions they have! We're all in this universe together and becoming a united universe sounds amazingly beautiful 🤍✨️

Jan 14 at 09:58 PM

Hey Tina! Idk went notifications aren't coming thru on here but hey!!! Locals! Yas baby! ✨️🐦‍🔥

Jan 14 at 09:57 PM

🙋🏼‍♀️ Wichita, KS area!!!!


Dec 29 at 10:28 PM

Newton, Kansas USA 🤍

Dec 29 at 10:26 PM

Hey! No way! I'm in Newton! I work in Wichita tho! So hey hey 316 in the house! Lol