Barry smith

Feb 29 at 04:23 PM

Theresa Thirion that I will do. I am using my YouTube platform to spread this I formation and see if people will come. We can bring those horses to the well but we cannot make them drink. They have gotten used to being able to hydrate intravenous. They want everything the easy way now. No one other than a few older people k ow anything about work anymore.


Feb 29 at 02:32 PM

I have always wondered if epilepsy is our mind trying to go to a higher plane of existence and they find "medications" to stop it from happening. Maybe that is why I do not remember it is because I am spiritually moving planes but get interrupted before I can complete the transfer.


Feb 29 at 02:30 PM

Thank you for that. I always use and put anything positive in my happy safe is what I call it. All of my happy thoughts and I use those to get me through school. I was diagnosed with epilepsy and they kicked me out of industrial plants where I have been since I was 18. Now at 40 I have to hot reset and go back to college and restart my life over with a new career. Starting from the bottom again lets see how it goes this time. LOL I am always looking for the positive In tho gs and whenever I can find it I hold on for dear life. I give it hell until I just absolutely cannot hang on anymore.

Feb 29 at 11:58 AM

I have said it before and I will say it again I will gladly work for TLS and work blindly with the faith they will always have the best interest at heart for the situation. I am willing to die to protect and fulfill any prophecy needed.


Feb 29 at 11:55 AM

Can we get a release date yet? I truly believe in his cause. I would love to be part of TLS but that will never happen. So good luck taking care of us all. Just wish you would let me help.