Barry smith


Mar 06 at 08:19 AM

Everyone come and make some money. I have been using this and have made over 100 that I was able to withdraw with 5 dollars. It is a risk so take this seriously I am just offering the chance to get started for people who do not know how. This app.will make it very easy.


Mar 06 at 07:50 AM

Jessica leathers hey Jessica never be embarrassed. My email is email me and let me know who you are. I will send you my phone number so you can get in contact with me if you ever just want to talk to someone who knows how you feel. I will gladly be your epilepsy shoulder because we all need someone who is in our same world.


Mar 04 at 08:52 AM

Michael Baska nah brother I would never not take this stuff seriously. All that was is that I was thinking out loud on here if that makes sense. I am not saying what I have is not dangerous because I have seen what it can do. You do not have to worry about that. My email is if you would like to email me. I will show you that I am not a dumb person. I will always watch out for number one. 8f it makes you feel better email me and we can talk.

Mar 03 at 08:28 AM

Yes they will and they will say that you are mentally insane and get doctors to agree.


Mar 03 at 08:27 AM

Daddy Dragon I just have to save up enough to be able to get a computer to handle it all.


Mar 03 at 08:26 AM

Daddy Dragon hey brother is my email. I am slowly but surely making a youtube channel for people that cannot afford this content can watch and learn for free. I don't want to leave anyone out the ones with no money is they ones you can truly depend on to watch your back. I just want the world to love as one peacefully. Let's spread love and make it happen.


Mar 02 at 02:20 PM

So he was never supposed to be president then. How did he even get In there?

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Mar 02 at 09:02 AM

When he said 12/21/2012 it struck me. With us moving from one age to the next is why the Mayan calendar ended. They didn't know what the next age was so they ended the calendar. To them this was en ending and they thought it was the end of the world. It was the end of the dark ages of the world. It is all starting to make sense now that the dates are falling into place.

Feb 29 at 05:17 PM

Maybe if we can find a common ground for everyone to come together and maybe as one we can get TLS to see we are a good choice for them to make. I live in Louisiana lots of secretive places here. Just a thought


Feb 29 at 05:16 PM

I am right there with you. I wonder if enough of us come together if they will come to us
