May 03 at 02:15 PM

😬 oops.. love light and positive energy 😂


May 03 at 02:14 PM

I absolutely love this 🥰 indeed if we all took a little extra time just to do something kind for someone else without expectation the world would be a much better place. I love flowers and quotes and surround myself with them in my immediate environment to be my own cheerleader so to speak and remain positive and grateful for even the smallest of things. Love lie and positive energy to all 🫂💙💜🌍

May 01 at 05:15 PM

Yay I am so excited to learn much from him ☺️☺️☺️


May 01 at 10:00 AM

Josiane Vicini I totally concur. Just distractions to block us from seeing the overall big picture in this game we call life.


May 01 at 09:55 AM

Dyanne S Gavin That's the ultimate plan isn't it???

MYSELF once I get all of my various projects complete😂🤣 still a work in progress

I would love to be involved with any kind of education that has a spiritual program. The reason being is we are spiritual beings and it is the corruptness of the world that ruins that in us all at a very young age. The only subject I still agree with in the educational system would be math because there aren't many subjects that are not based on some kind of mathematical equation.


Apr 30 at 10:00 PM


Apr 30 at 02:29 PM

A lot of my circumstances were due to what I allowed and how I presented myself to the world. Hence putting out into the universe unworthiness and attracting those exact types of people that I was myself at that point in time. These days I am riding my story and fully stepping into an authentic version of myself. LIVING THE STORY is how I like to term it; a constant story in motion. And I am in control of my destiny by co-creating with the UTMOST HIGH/COSMIC FAMILY✨💥🪄to accomplish it. THE CREATRIX is my starchetype and it's amazing how I'm learning more everyday about who I truly am.

Apr 29 at 07:56 PM

Here there and everywhere. There is no past there is no future there is just now. All timelines merge when you're in the right energyπ°