
Been Doing Research for the past 7 or years on what's been going on with Earth and Humanity.Very Disturing.

Feb 09 at 03:48 PM

♡999♡ From what I understand Earth went into 4th Density in 2012.

That's why the Mayan Calendar Ended.Its a long story,I have it written up in the Documents App.

The Tilt in Earth's Atmosphere Creates an Atmospheric Prism that Divides the Natural Light Spectrum into mostly blues and greens called the (Aurora Borealis). The {Ororoborous} is the Symbol of the Snake Consuming it's tail.It Represents,

"The Canabalizaton of Species."

Notice how the 2 word's sound similar?And the Anagram between the 3 Words is {B.O.A}=Constricting Earth and Humanity.


Feb 09 at 02:45 PM

They just Planted these video clips in my photos app.Theyll probably come into play later when they do whatever it is their going to do to me?


Feb 09 at 12:21 PM

The Moon is an Artificial Satellite that Violates and Corrupts Every Natural Aspect of Earth and Humanity.Ive written Several Documents on the Subject.Its Responsible for the 23.5° Tilt in Earths Axis.I can go on and on.It also Connects to "Dagon" the Fish God.

Feb 09 at 12:18 PM

Nice to Meet You.

I'd agree with that.


Yeah.I need more Evidence on the Subject.I have an old Mickey Mouse Cartoon off Mickey putting the Holes in Swiss cheese with his dick.

It's Disgusting.

1707487081824_Trojan Horse.1707487082.jpg


Can you send me this Photo? I've been collecting evidence.

Feb 09 at 08:50 AM

I Heard it was Adrenochrome withdrawal?


Feb 09 at 08:48 AM

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