
Been Doing Research for the past 7 or years on what's been going on with Earth and Humanity.Very Disturing.

Feb 09 at 08:42 AM

I'm a Heyoka Empath.My Grandfather was Chief of the Winnebago Tribe in Wisconsin.

He Once met JFK and Presented Him with a Ceremonial Headdress and Declared Him Chief of America.His Brother was an MP at the Nuremberg Trials.My Grandfather was also a Wind Talker during WW2.


Feb 09 at 08:33 AM

(All Adds up)=
(9 Is The Line).

Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

Feb 08 at 06:37 PM

It's All About the

(Pineal Gland Activation)=

Flouride Calcifies the

(Pineal Gland).

Get off the Flouride to Begin with.


Feb 08 at 04:30 PM

The 13th Constellation is Ophecius,the Snake Bearer.

This is Early Stage Transhumanism.If Earth wasn't Tilted on Her Axis at 23.5° because of the Moon you can drop 5 days from an Annual rotation of Earth Around the Sun.

Wich Creates 30 days of 12 months.360°/Days.

This Connects to the

{13 Circle Fruit of Life}=

Wich Evolves into the

{Metatronic Reversal}=

{Metatrons Cube}=

Kabba in Mecca.

Every Symbol in

(Sacred Geometry) after the (Flower of Life) are Luciferian Transhumanism Corruption Symbols=

{Evolutionary Digression} Through (={Generational Mutation}>--

Feb 08 at 07:45 AM

I've been Gangstalked for the Past 7 years.Just ignore it.They want to looking unhinged and dangerous.

So people think you're crazy and won't listen to you.Id suggest picking up a small Tazer in case things get physical.Yet,never go on the offensive,only Defensive.I Carry one my self.They make them the size of a pen now.Let me know if you need a link?


Feb 08 at 07:40 AM

(2 Physical Eyes)+
(One Spiritual Eye)=
(3rd Eye Chakra)=
(Pineal Gland)=
((((((3 Eyes))))))
(2 Arms+2Legs)=
((((((6 Sections))))))
The Soul is the Mind of the Body.

Feb 08 at 07:33 AM
