Foxy Fungible

New York, NY, United States

About connecting with the community that shares the same desire for truth I’ve known my whole life

Feb 25 at 10:41 PM

Lena Karlsson I think this is what I’m going to do just get tickets to Costa Rica. What would happen if I just showed up at the front door of Rythmia? Do you think they would turn me away. I heard it’s like $30.000 to go there. I wish I could get a grant or something for it. All I know is sometime in this lifetime I will have my turn to meet with Mother Aya. All good things in all good time!


Feb 25 at 10:34 PM

Whitney Byrd Thank you! I’m so happy you have found the strength to begin your journey. I send you love and light! And I know you can continue to heal


Feb 25 at 10:32 PM

Dollie thank you!


Feb 25 at 10:31 PM

Dollie thank you we will definitely chat. I just need to get through this. And the only thing that my soul feels right about is Aya . Mother is the healer I need.


Feb 24 at 06:15 AM

All religions are built on their own agenda. Jesus had a family and married a ex prostitue. He was a highly evolved HUMAN BEING Just like you and me. Or at least I hope we are or become highly evolved.


Feb 23 at 06:35 PM

Many of you are open and growing evolving everyday. Many of you are not ready for realities that will be presented through content like this. I can only say that many things Ray had to share resonate with me. They sound like things I myself have known. The pharaohs being called Fatasol. This sounds so true and right to me. I remember bits of life as a slave in America. I remember bits of life in the French courts . I also remember being a witch . I use to find books on witchcraft and the history of witches when I was very young in the library instead of children’s books. I watch certain movies and will say to myself that is not what it was like then . Or that’s not how it was done.i feel at home when seeing pictures or relics from the past. When I went to Israel I cried because I had never felt more at home I was 15. This had nothing to do with my religious teachings. Thank you for sharing your memories. It only reassures me that these memories I have are real. I’m that same soul.

Feb 23 at 02:24 AM

I know the mother has been calling to me fo a while now. I however lack the funds to go to Costa Rica. It saddens me. Because I have been fighting a 20+ year fight with opioid addiction. And I know only mother will be able to cut these cords. My story goes much deeper than that. If anyone reads this and finds it in their heart to help me get to Costa Rica. You would be doing a great service to my soul and the soul s I ca n help find mother that need her guidance and love so desperately. Love and Light to you all. May your soul continue healing. The way to reach me is Tracylynhutchinson@

I also want to thank you for sharing your journey. I learned so much from your experience. Keep growing and loving your selves and each other. What a gift to grow together.

Feb 18 at 10:42 AM

Gabriella are you saying they ate them?

Feb 18 at 10:41 AM

Sarnjit Ledlie very well put. And let me say . Look at the trash . They are throwing into our country what kind of respect do they have for America.


Feb 18 at 10:38 AM

We need Trump and a wall built. This administration wants to destroy our Country. They walk all over our constitution. This needs to stop. There was a war for Texas to become part of the US. The Alamo. These people need to be sent back to their country they destroyed. They need to be kept from destroying America.