
Aagtekerke, Netherlands

Aug 24 at 11:55 AM

Ng Fangqi Akiko that's awesome! I just clicked on it and it pulls up Icke. You just didn't give up! 🥰🫰🏽

Aug 22 at 01:32 PM







☺️ As an Air sign( Gemini) I seem to feel strongly connected to water ? My Chinese astrology is Rat with element water 💧 ( waterrat).


Aug 21 at 05:00 PM

Faith Yes you have a point there .Just blindly accept things without questioning it.

Some are way to much in their survival mode and stuck in the ego.Just as long I have my job,my money,my house,my life,my car why would I care for others or my surroundings? My greatest concern is that we are right now in the middle of an universal transformation and heading towards oneness💚🙏. This is where it's difficult for the ego survive.

I see that there are a certain scale of people mentally losing it . Because their lives been so much involved only about themselves.Looking at the world with a closed heart. When you look at the world with an open heart you see the entire world and with the beauty in it.🥰 🌎

Faith 💙💜🤎💛💚

Aug 21 at 09:01 AM

It's difficult to grasp my mind around that as well Faith

Aug 21 at 08:55 AM

Can you remember me?


Aug 19 at 05:04 PM

Gemini may 26th

Aug 19 at 12:22 PM

I appreciate- love it🥰🫰🏽.. I'm always open to something new . I'm interested, thank you🫰🏽💥


Replied on 👁

Aug 19 at 07:07 AM

CAMERON THOMSON You are definitely right something always has your back 💯🥰.

Your innerspirit is lifting you up. You deserve this Cammy🤗. Let everyday be your favorite day😍filled with love ,guidance and protection. Enjoy your beautiful journey to yourself🥰🫰🏽💥It will lead you where your purpose is.Remember you are deeply loved🫰🏽🥰


Commented on The Current Crises

Aug 19 at 06:43 AM

Ng Fangqi Akiko how about this one?🥰