
Wilmington, NC, United States

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Apr 11 at 05:24 PM

Great question?

Apr 10 at 08:49 AM

💖💖 UNIFYD FAMILY. I currently reside in North Carolina, USA but I’m from (L.A.)-Lower Alabama, USA. LOL. HAVE AN AMAZING DAY FAM. MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL!

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Apr 10 at 08:40 AM

#655321 What was your reliable source, if you don’t mind sharing? The reason I say reliable is because you just never know. Thanks in advance. Very very interesting subjects. My thoughts anyways.

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Apr 10 at 08:36 AM

#655321 Where did you learn this from or how can we learn this same technique? Thanks in advance for ANY HELP. Much love.

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Apr 10 at 08:34 AM

What is the absolute best source to learn this material? The best reliable source (even if it’s not online). A book would be super. Thank you for ANY help. Much love.

WOW. Amazing comment!!! I don’t think you could have been any more cordial than you were. Great comment. Just beautiful. Thank you. Much Love.


Apr 09 at 08:04 PM

But I know I’ll get there eventually. And I’ll DIE (LOL) to get there. Thank you for the inspiring comments & “CONGRATULATIONS” on 12yrs, that’s AMAZING. Hope you have had the most BEAUTIFUL DAY & NIGHT. Much LOVE. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each others comments on this app. Look forward to talking again, I’m not a robot or creepy lady (just saying), people are super WEIRD this day & age. lol. THANK YOU SO MUCH. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💖💖


Apr 09 at 07:59 PM

I’m almost at the 10yr anniversary of my clean date, July 4, 2024 will be exactly my 10yrs. I got myself into a deep deep long depression & was fighting my own demons for a good 7yrs straight. I didn’t even sleep next to my partner, that is still here till this day, during that period of time. I think my body was already exhausted & then one day after I had some serious medical issues, I decided that if I didn’t change NOW, that I’d die young just like a lot of people that were close to me (WAY TO MANY) have went on…..I was searching for the cure to my own misery & it took me way too long to figure out that IT was ALL—INSIDE ME & it was absolutely NORMAL to react the way I did. Considering the circumstances on how I grew up & everything that I’d gone through over the years. And for years. I’ve got a young man of a son now but back then he was a teenager. Only one child, no more. I’m very GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING that I’ve ACCOMPLISHED SO FAR BUT I’VE STILL GOT A LONG WAYS TO GO.


Apr 09 at 08:59 AM

SORRY RAN OUT OF SPACE. Now that I’m in a much better space. It’s always hard to think that we are getting older but I feel that I’m living my best life now in this moment but then will have some type of crazy spell & HERE’S FEAR knock knock knocking in my head. Gratitude helps sometimes but the FEAR keeps coming back (not everyday but more than I’d like it to show up. I’m NOT READY TO DIE. I feel like I’ve got so much more to do & get done & I’m just not ready to leave my family before I know without a doubt that they will ALL be just fine when it is my time. Idk what exactly I’m going to do but it would be so amazing if FEAR didn’t come back as often. I WILL GET THROUGH THIS & WON’T LOOK BACK, WHEN I DO GET BACK MY MIND. Thank you for reading & taking time out of your day to share your life with me. Much love to you all. HAVE AN AMAZINGLY AWESOME TUESDAY!


Apr 09 at 08:51 AM

Mine comes from having a traumatic childhood, teenage years & no time to have been a child/kid. I’ve been taking care of someone or something since I was old enough to stand up (literally). I’ve well over medicated my body throughout my young years & NOW trying to make up for it ALL (damaged done for 20yrs versus almost 10yrs of trying to HEAL my mind, body & spirit. LEARNING how to eat better (healthier) as best I can (what I knew was healthy when I started this journey was a salad…lol (I know that seems strange but so TRUE). Learning new ways to eat, what to eat, what to drink, what helps your body & what hurts your body—was all so NEW to me. Thank goodness for GOOGLE/YOUTUBE. I only ran across UNIFYD a month or so ago. I absolutely love learning new things but it GETS SO OVERWHELMING, because of so much information out in the world. But you’ve got to be so careful with what you watch or read also. I’ve succeeded in coming off all Prescription drugs except 3. I know I’ll succeed.
